The Church of the Annunciation was solemnly opened in October 1929. Since it's opening the Church grounds have gone through many changes. Visit the 'Our History' section of this website to find out more.
Today the Parish grounds are home to the Church, the Presbytery and a 2-storey Parish Centre. For more information regarding the Parish Centre, including an overview of the available facilities and how to make a hire booking, please visit the 'Parish Centre' section of this website.
The parish is part of Barnet Deanery which includes the parishes in the London Borough of Barnet. The other parishes are Barnet, Cricklewood, Edgware, Finchley Church End, Finchley East, Finchley North, Golders Green, Grahame Pk, Hendon, Hendon West, Mill Hill, New Barnet and Whetstone.
The Church has a Repository Shop from which a number of items are available. By means of the shop, Parishioners are able to source the requisite devotional artifacts that enable and enhance the practice of their faith. If there is anything in particular that you would like ordered from the shop, please see someone from the shop; the shop is typically open after Sunday Masses.
Parking is available beside the church for those who use the church and the parish centre. Parking is restricted during school term-time by means of an automated barrier. However, the barrier is open after 5:30pm, on weekends and during school holiday and half-term periods.
The parish encourages parishioners to take part in a planned giving scheme where weekly contributions are made in an envelope. By signing a gift aid form, an extra 28 pence in the pound can be claimed back for those who pay income tax.
Alternatively, you can choose to setup Standing Order payments. The details required are below:
Payee Name - WRCDT Annunciation Church, Burnt Oak
Sortcode - 40-05-20
Account Number - 11095927
The parish belongs to Churches Together in Edgware which meets two or three times a year to plan local events. The churches arrange carol singing, christmas dinner for the elderly, a walk of witness on Good Friday as well as united services in the different churches.
Our Church Promotes a number of Etiquette:
With the exception of those with a medical condition, no food or drink is to be brought into, or consumed in the church-including children's sweets or chewing gum as they often end up on the floor.
Mobile Phones and other electronic devices are to be turned to silent or switched off and must not be used.
Male Head-wear child and adult -must be removed upon entering the church.
The use of toilets during mass must be considered wisely to prevent distraction especially during the consecration; children must be accompanied by an adult.
People must not cross behind or in front of the priest/minister whilst holy Communion is being distributed.
The Sanctuary must be treated with the utmost respect at all times and no person should enter this space unless they have good reason to do so.
Unnecessary noise, such as chatter, must be kept to a minimum so that an air of the sacred may be maintained.
We respectfully ask that these points above are observed so that we continue to respect the sacred space of the church and honour the Lords House at all times.