Takehomenews 24 January 2021
Fr Colin writes: Today we celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God. Pope Francis has said ‘Devoting a specific Sunday of the liturgical...
Fr Colin writes: Today we celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God. Pope Francis has said ‘Devoting a specific Sunday of the liturgical...
Fr Colin writes: I am pleased to announce that Masses are now being live-streamed from our church. So if you are unable to get to Mass,...
The Baptism of the Lord (B) Fr Colin writes: We would like to thank you for your co-operation over Christmas. A Special thank you goes to...
Confessions: Saturday 10.30am-11.00am 5.45pm-6.15pm MON 21st-Thur 24th After Morning Mass Church Opening Times Sundays 8.30am—1pm Monday...
Fr Colin Writes: With Christmas just two weeks away, you will need to decide which of the Christmas Masses you would like to come to....
Fr Colin Writes: Welcome back to Mass. Let us hope that we can now continue to have Mass each day. We will ofcourse be restricted in...
Sunday 29th November Fr Colin Writes: We hope that we will be able to resume public Masses on Thursday. If so, the times are as before...
Fr Colin Writes: When I look through my diary, there are more crossings out than entries: Baptisms and Confirmation Masses postponed and...
Fr Colin Writes: When I look through my diary, there are more crossings out than entries: Baptisms and Confirmation Masses postponed and...
Fr Colin Writes: Now that we are back in a second lockdown, we have had to make changes to church opening times and other planned events....
Fr Colin Writes: We welcome Fr. David Knight to the parish. This will be his first weekend. Having been ordained priest in September,...
Sunday 25 October 2020 Fr Colin Writes: On Wednesday, we welcome to the parish Fr David Knight, ordained to the priesthood last month. We...
18 October 2020 Fr Colin Writes: To make it easier for the Track and Trace System, if you were present at the same Mass the previous...
11 October 2020 Fr Colin Writes: There has been a revision to the number of people allowed to attend special events in the church. The...
Sunday 4th October Fr Colin Writes: We have started the Track and Trace System when you come to Mass. This means giving your name and...
27 September 2020 Fr Colin Writes: We will be starting the Track and Trace System when you come to Mass. This means that you would give...
20th September 2020 Fr Colin Writes: I am pleased to announce that we will be joined by a new priest at the end of next month. He is Fr...
13 September 2020 Fr Colin Writes: One of the positive elements of the changes at Mass is the dignified and unhurried way that people...
6 September 2020 Fr Colin Writes: As some parishioners may be returning to Mass at this time. I thought it may be worthwhile repeating...
30 August 2020 Fr Colin Writes: Last week I wrote about the arrangements for baptisms. This week I want to focus on First Holy...