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Takehomenews 24 January 2021

Fr Colin writes: Today we celebrate the Sunday of the Word of God. Pope Francis has said ‘Devoting a specific Sunday of the liturgical...

Takehomenews 17 January 2021

Fr Colin writes: I am pleased to announce that Masses are now being live-streamed from our church. So if you are unable to get to Mass,...

Takehomenews 10 January 2021

The Baptism of the Lord (B) Fr Colin writes: We would like to thank you for your co-operation over Christmas. A Special thank you goes to...

Takehomenews 20th December 2020

Confessions: Saturday 10.30am-11.00am 5.45pm-6.15pm MON 21st-Thur 24th After Morning Mass Church Opening Times Sundays 8.30am—1pm Monday...

Takehomenews 13 December 2020

Fr Colin Writes: With Christmas just two weeks away, you will need to decide which of the Christmas Masses you would like to come to....

Takehomenews Sunday 6th December

Fr Colin Writes: Welcome back to Mass. Let us hope that we can now continue to have Mass each day. We will ofcourse be restricted in...

Takehomenews Sunday 29th November

Sunday 29th November Fr Colin Writes: We hope that we will be able to resume public Masses on Thursday. If so, the times are as before...

Takehomenews Sunday 22 November 2020

Fr Colin Writes: When I look through my diary, there are more crossings out than entries: Baptisms and Confirmation Masses postponed and...

Takehomenews 15 November

Fr Colin Writes: When I look through my diary, there are more crossings out than entries: Baptisms and Confirmation Masses postponed and...

Takehomenews 8 November 2020

Fr Colin Writes: Now that we are back in a second lockdown, we have had to make changes to church opening times and other planned events....

Takehomenews 1 November 2020

Fr Colin Writes: We welcome Fr. David Knight to the parish. This will be his first weekend. Having been ordained priest in September,...


Sunday 25 October 2020 Fr Colin Writes: On Wednesday, we welcome to the parish Fr David Knight, ordained to the priesthood last month. We...


18 October 2020 Fr Colin Writes: To make it easier for the Track and Trace System, if you were present at the same Mass the previous...


11 October 2020 Fr Colin Writes: There has been a revision to the number of people allowed to attend special events in the church. The...


Sunday 4th October Fr Colin Writes: We have started the Track and Trace System when you come to Mass. This means giving your name and...


27 September 2020 Fr Colin Writes: We will be starting the Track and Trace System when you come to Mass. This means that you would give...


20th September 2020 Fr Colin Writes: I am pleased to announce that we will be joined by a new priest at the end of next month. He is Fr...


13 September 2020 Fr Colin Writes: One of the positive elements of the changes at Mass is the dignified and unhurried way that people...


6 September 2020 Fr Colin Writes: As some parishioners may be returning to Mass at this time. I thought it may be worthwhile repeating...


30 August 2020 Fr Colin Writes: Last week I wrote about the arrangements for baptisms. This week I want to focus on First Holy...

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