Takehomenews Easter Sunday 31 March 2024
EASTER SUNDAY Year B Alleluia! The Lord is Risen, alleluia! Today, we joyfully declare that Christ is Risen. Jesus is Lord. He suffered,...
EASTER SUNDAY Year B Alleluia! The Lord is Risen, alleluia! Today, we joyfully declare that Christ is Risen. Jesus is Lord. He suffered,...
Passion (Palm) Sunday Year B We are now approaching the peak of our salvation history. We process and walk behind Jesus as he goes to...
Fifth Sunday of Lent Year B We are Children of the New Covenant. Last Sunday, we heard how God’s people in exile cried unto the Lord who...
Fourth Sunday of Lent Year B Mothers’ Love On this Laetare Sunday, we rejoice because we are closer to Easter, a celebration of God’s...
Third Sunday of Lent Year B God’s house is a house of prayer. In today’s first reading (Exodus 20:1-17), God’s people are given the Ten...
SECOND Sunday of Lent Year B This Sunday’s first reading gives a disturbing account of Abraham’s trust in God when he was asked to...
First Sunday of Lent Year B Confident in God’s love and mercy, we began our Lenten journey of rediscovering or deepening our experience...
Sixth SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year B Jesus is never put off by our conditions. Sometimes, life experiences can humiliate and make us...
Fifth SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year B Our God heals the broken-hearted. Today’s responsorial psalm sings, “Praise the Lord who heals the...
Fourth SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year B The One we must listen to. In today’s first reading from Deuteronomy, the Lord promises to raise...
Third SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year B Sunday of the Word of God The celebration of the Sunday of the Word of God is an invitation for a...
SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Year B Here I am, Lord, I come to do your will. Today’s readings invite us to listen to and follow Jesus...
The Epiphany of the Lord This Sunday, we celebrate the Solemnity of the Epiphany (from the Greek word epiphania which means manifestation...
3rd SUNDAY OF ADVENT (Gaudete Sunday) Rejoice in the Lord, again I say, rejoice. On this Gaudete Sunday, we rejoice because the Lord’s...
2nd SUNDAY OF ADVENT A way for the Coming Lord. We light the advent candle of faith this Sunday and are invited to add faith to our hope....
Sunday 3 December 2023 1st SUNDAY OF ADVENT Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus. As we begin the Advent season this Sunday, we are offered an...
Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe The feast of Christ the King marks the culmination of the church’s liturgical year, ushering...
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A As we approach the end of the Church’s liturgical year, the readings take on an advent tone of...
32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Wisdom to prayerfully await the Lord’s coming. This Sunday’s readings invite us to be ready and...
31st Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A Humility is indeed the path to divine exaltation. The context of today’s first reading is that God’s...