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Takehomenews Sunday 9th July 2023

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Jesus provides us with the most comforting of messages in today’s Gospel. He invites us to come to Him...

Takehomenews Sunday 2 July 2023

13th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) If we make Jesus our priority, we cannot go wrong. Jesus is urging his disciples in today’s Gospel to...

Takehomenews Sunday 25 June 2023

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) One might conclude from today's readings that being a prophet or an apostle is not an easy task. ...

Takehomenews Sunday 18 June 2023

11th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) In today’s Gospel, we see how the crowds felt in desperate need to guide them. Jesus had been doing a...

Takehomenews Sunday 11 June 2023

THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (CORPUS CHRISTI) (A) Jesus’ teaching on the Eucharist is presented to us in Chapter 6 of St John’s...

Takehomenews Sunday 4 June 2023

THE MOST HOLY THRINTY (A) Trinity Sunday is a day to give praise to God for his infinite power and His presence among us and for us,...

Takehomenews Sunday 21 May 2023

7th Sunday of EASTER (A) Last Thursday we celebrated the Ascension of the Lord. After Jesus ascended into heaven, the Apostles awaited...

Takehomenews Sunday 14 May 2023

6th SUNDAY OF EASTER (A) The fact that we are approaching Pentecost can be seen in today’s Gospel when Jesus mentions the Holy Spirit...

Takehomenews Sunday 7 May 2023

5th Sunday of EASTER (A) Throughout St John’s Gospel, Jesus comes out with various ‘I AM’ statements. Last week we had ‘I AM THE GATE...

Takehomenews Sunday 23 April 2023

3rd Sunday of EASTER (A) The two disciples on the road to Emmaus were probably not the only disciples who were returning home from...


Easter Sunday A (9th April) The discovery of the empty tomb where Jesus had been laid was the starting point of a drama involving both...

Takehomenews Palm Sunday 2 April 2023

PALM Sunday (A) The official title for today is ‘Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord’. This is because today we start Holy Week when...


5TH Sunday of Lent (A) As we approach the Feast of the Resurrection, Our Gospel today is the account of the Raising of Lazarus. Jesus...

Takehomenews Sunday 19 March 2023

4th Sunday of Lent (A) Today is Laetare Sunday, Mid-Lent Sunday, when rose coloured vestments are worn and a theme of rejoicing is...

Takehomenews Sunday 12 March

3rd Sunday of Lent (A) The story of the Samaritan woman at the well is a wonderful episode of how a person can be changed by coming into...

Takehomenews Sunday 5 March 2023

2nd Sunday OF LENT (A) The story of Christ’s transfiguration might seem other worldly, nothing to do with our own experience of faith. ...

Takehomenews Sunday 26 February 2023

1st SUNDAY OF LENT (A) Each year on the 1st Sunday of Lent, we have an account of the temptations of Jesus. This year we have St...

Takehomenews Sunday 19 February 2023

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Jesus continues his Sermon on the Mount by telling his disciples that they should not retaliate and that...

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