25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) The parable of the dishonest steward may seem somewhat confusing when the steward was praised for his...
25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) The parable of the dishonest steward may seem somewhat confusing when the steward was praised for his...
18th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) In today’s Gospel, Jesus is warning his disciples to be on their guard against avarice of any kind. ...
17 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Today’s readings focus on prayer, but particularly on petitionary prayer. Abraham makes a plea to God to...
16 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) Jesus’ visit to the home of Martha and Mary may have seemed an insignificant event in Jesus’ ministry. ...
15 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) The parable of the Good Samaritan provides us with plenty for us to reflect on and indeed to examine our...
14 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ( C ) The sending out of the disciples in pairs to prepare the people for Jesus’ own visit would have been a...
13 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME (C) There is something quite challenging but also exciting and adventurous when we have to start a new chapter...
THE MOST HOLY BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST (C) Today’s Solemnity we often simply call it ’Corpus Christi’ but today we not only celebrate the...
PENTECOST Today is a day to wish each other a Happy Birthday, because Pentecost represents the birth of the Church as we know it. The...
7th Sunday of Easter (C) - 29th MAY Jesus’ prayer for unity goes deeper than we might have first thought. This extract from St. John’s...
6th Sunday of Easter (C) - 22ND MAY We are just two weeks away from the Feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. In our...
5th Sunday of Easter (C) - 8th MAY St John’s Gospel is very deep so it is better to concentrate on just small sections of it at a time....
4th Sunday of Easter (C) - 8th MAY Today is Good Shepherd Sunday, when we reflect on Christ’s role as our shepherd. The dominant point...
3rd Sunday of Easter (C) - 1st MAY Today we have another account of a resurrection appearance of Jesus. Perhaps rather surprisingly...
Easter Sunday Today we celebrate the greatest event in the history of the world—The resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord. By rising...
Palm Sunday The official title for today is ‘Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord’. This is because today we start Holy Week when we...
5th SUNDAY of LENT (C) Go away, and don’t sin any more. These are not the words we would expect to hear from the priest when the...
4th Sunday of Lent (c) It has been remarked that the story of the prodigal son is not just his story. It is the story of a whole...
3rd Sunday of Lent (c) A major theme that embraces the whole of Lent is repentance. Right from the Start of Lent when we are told to...
2nd Sunday of Lent (C) The Transfiguration must have been a thrilling experience for Peter, James and John, the privileged apostles who...