Parish Groups
There are many parish groups that are part of the common life of the Church of the Annunciation.

Parish Council
The Parish Council meet bi-monthly to advise the Parish Priest on various aspects of parish life and refer any matters that have arisen.
What is the Parish Council?
The members of the Parish Council are elected each year at the Parish’s Annual General Meeting (AGM).
The Parish Council advise the Parish Priest on various aspects of parish life and refer any matters that have arisen.
If you have any concerns, comments or suggestions that you would like to raise with the Parish Council please approach the Parish Priest or a Parish Councillor.
Finance Committee
The Parish Finance Committee is made up of five or six parishioners together with the Parish Priest. The Committee normally meets every second month to consider financial matters concerning the parish.
A report is given on the latest bank balance, recent expenditure and budget for the year ahead. Decisions are made on how to keep parish income up through planned giving and gift aid. Large amounts of expenditure need to be approved by the Finance Committee. The Committee also considers maintenance work required on the premises. A representative of the Finance Committee reports back to the Parish Council.
Prayer Groups
You are invited to meet for prayers and discussions. Speak to the Parish Priest for details of prayer groups that are available to join
Parish Ministries
Please consider donating your time and talents to one of our Ministries.
Ministers of The Word
The Reader at Mass has an important ministry. Proclaiming the Word in church needs preparation and prayer. Readers are encouraged to have their own missals. Alternatively, Mass Sheets are available in advance from the sacristy. Anyone who would like to become a Mass Reader is invited to approach the Parish Priest. Children are invited to read at the special liturgies at the 10.30am Mass.
Ministers of Holy Communion
Currently we have several Eucharistic Ministers on a rota covering 6.30pm Saturday evening Mass, 9.00am Mass, 10.30am Mass, 12.00noon Mass on Sunday and daily Mass at 9.00am. Some of our Minsters take Communion to the sick of the parish and to sheltered homes. The ministers re-commissioned every year at the Maundy Thursday Mass.
If you are interested in becoming a Minister, please contact the Parish Priest.
Ministers of the Environment
The church is where we come together as a parish community and on a Saturday and Monday after the morning Mass a group of enthusiastic and committed parishioners meets to keep the church clean and tidy. This group would welcome anybody who would like to join them. Just come along on either of these days.
Altar Servers
Any parishioner that have celebrated their First Holy Communion, who wishes to assist in the celebration of the Mass are invited to participate.
Rehearsals are arranged to ensure that the high standard of serving and behaviour is maintained. After serving regularly for over a year, the server is eligible to become a member of the Guild of St. Stephen, wearing a medal with a red cord. Further progress is marked by wearing a blue cord and later a gold one.
If you are interested in becoming an Altar Server speak to the Parish Priest.
The Church has choirs – or groups of singers to be more precise! They primarily assist on Sundays. On special occasions, such as Christmas Midnight Mass and the Easter Triduum, the different choir group come together as one.
They are a multi-cultural group and in encouraging the congregation to take part in the Mass, they have a great deal of enjoyment and are always pleased to welcome new members into their midst.