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RCDOW Burnt Oak

Take Home News 30th Sunday of the Year

30th Sunday Of Year C

We continue the theme of prayer which has been prominent in the readings over the last few Sundays. This week it is the prayer of repentance that Jesus highlights. While the Pharisee boasts that he keeps all the rules and regulations, the tax collector simply asks God to have mercy on him. This is a reminder to ourselves that we constantly need to examine our consciences, express repentance for our sins and go to the Sacrament of Confession.

31st Sunday of Year C (30th October)

The story of Zacchaeus, who climbed a tree to get a glimpse of Jesus and ended up welcoming Jesus to his house, is an account of conversion for us to meditate on. Being in close contact with Jesus alerts us to our weaknesses and sinfulness. Jesus does not even need to condemn. Simply being in his presence enables us to repent.

All Saints Day (Tuesday 1st November)

The Beatitudes, which were part of Jesus’ first teaching at the Sermon on the Mount, set us an agenda for life. The Saints have kept to that agenda and now share in the joys of God’s kingdom in heaven. We can reconsider these beatitudes to see how well we are doing on that journey to heaven as we honour all those who have completed that journey.

All Saints Day is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses in the church will be at 9am and 7.30pm. There will also be a Mass in the Annunciation Infants School at 11am and in the Annunciation Junior School at 2pm. There will be no Novena on 1st November.

All Souls Day (Wednesday 2nd November)

We commemorate all the faithful departed on Wednesday 2nd November, All Souls Day. Masses on that day will be at 9am and 7.30pm.

Clocks Going Back

Don’t forget to put your clocks back one hour on the night of Saturday 29th October.

23rd October is World Mission Sunday

The Holy Father invites all Catholics to contribute to a special collection for Missio, his official charity for overseas mission. Your prayers and donations today will support the work of missionaries, like those in Rwanda, as they share God’s mercy and love with those who are suffering. The World Mission Sunday collection will support mission projects worldwide that bring God’s love and the Gospel message of dignity for all. Please give what you can, and if possible, please use the Gift Aid envelopes if you are a taxpayer. Thank you.

Living Jesus

The new discussion booklet ‘Living Jesus’ will soon be available, price £2. as before there are six chapters which can be used, either individually or in groups. There is also a special section for children.

Eucharistic Ministers Rota

Could all those ministers that have not received their rota by email, pick their envelope up at the back of the church today. Thank you.

Deborah Lodge Mass

The monthly Mass at Deborah Lodge will be on Friday 4th November at 3pm.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 20th November at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

Baptism Classes for Older Children

We will be starting classes for children aged 7 or over who have not been baptised on Friday 4th November at 5pm in the Dominic Room in the Parish Centre. Please let Fr Colin know if you are bringing your child, giving their name and age, and your telephone number.

Confirmation 2017

Application forms are now available in the porch, and need to be returned no later than Sunday 18th December.

Mary’s Meals

Mary’s Meals charity will be here on the morning of Sunday 30th October to collect unwanted clothing and bedding, but no duvets or pillows please. They should be put into tied black sacks. Thank you. Mary’s Meals is a no frills charity committed to spending 93 pence in every £1 received on its charitable activities, with only 6 pence spent on Fundraising and 1 pence on Governance.

Welcome Back To Fr David

On Friday 28th October we welcome back Fr David to celebrate our Mercy Mass at 7.30pm. During the Mass, our new statue of St Jude will be blessed. The Mass will be followed by a reception and presentation to Fr David. Gift envelopes are available at the back of the church. We invite you to bring a dish of food to the reception, but being a Friday, no meat items please. We will provide the drink.

Annunciation Schools Admission Meetings

The Infants School will be having their annual admissions meeting in the Parish Centre on Wednesday 9th November at 7.30pm. Parents are invited to attend this meeting if they wish their child to be considered for a Nursery or School place at the Infants School in September 2017. This would include those who wish to move from the Nursery to Reception Class.

The Junior School will be having their Admissions Meeting on Monday 28th November at 7pm. This will take place in the school itself in The Meads, NOT in the church Parish Centre. This is for parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in September 2017, including those currently in Year 2 of the Infants School.

Month of the Holy Souls

November is the month of the Holy Souls when we remember all the faithful departed. The Remembrance Book is on a table near the statues. You can write the names of those you wish to be remembered in this book, but there is no need to rewrite names you have entered in previous years. The book will be placed at the front of the altar during November.

Alternatively you can write names on a piece of paper and put it in one of the envelopes available in the porch. These names will be placed in a box in front of the altar during November. There will be several Masses for the Holy Souls during the month.

Parish Bazaar

This will take place in the Parish Centre on Saturday 19th November between 12 noon and 3pm. Items for the bazaar can be left in the church porch after 30th October. (we do not want items to be mixed up with the Mary’s Meals collection). There will be a bottle stall, books and CD’s, toys, tombola, bric a brac, cakes as well as face painting. There will be a raffle and lucky ticket draw. Please do not leave any clothes, shoes, broken items, or electrical goods. If you are able to help, please contact Frances Dymock on 0208 959 1081. Thank you.

SPUC Pro-Life Pledge

Thank you to those who completed postcards last weekend. These are being sent through SPUC, calling on our Member of Parliament to make a pro-life pledge. Please put the completed card in the basket on the table at the back of the church. They will be sent off after Masses on 23rd October. Alternatively, you can send the card directly to SPUC for which you would need a stamp.

Pilgrimage to the Holy Land led by Fr John Buckley

We are thinking about a pilgrimage to the Holy Land on 2nd - 9th March 2017. The cost is £879 for 8 days/7 nights with All Saints Travel. We want to gauge the level of interest there might be. Please give your name to the Cricklewood Parish Office 020 8452 2475 or email if you are interested.

Mass Count

The number at Mass last weekend was 654. We will be counting for the final time on the weekend of 23rd October. Many thanks to those who help us in this.


At Sunday School they were learning how God created everything, including human beings. Johnny was especially intent when the teacher told him how Eve was created out of one of Adam’s ribs. Later in the week his mother noticed him lying down as though he were ill, and said “Johnny, what is the matter?” Johnny responded “I have a pain in my side. I think I’m going to have a wife.”


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