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RCDOW Burnt Oak


32nd Sunday of Year B

In today’s Gospel. Jesus watches from opposite the treasury and sees the proud and self-important making a show of giving large sums of money while a poor widow empties her pockets of her last penny. The widow’s faith and trust provides us with a beautiful meditation on how good order could be established in our world, if only we could have the courage to allow God’s spirit free reign.

Remembrance Sunday

Today is Remembrance Sunday when we pray for all those who have lost their lives at war. A poppy display will be added to those we are remembering in front of the altar. There will be a two– minute silence at the end of the Bidding Prayers at the 10.30 Mass.

Sick and Retired Priests Fund

Todays second collection is for the Sick & Retired Priests' Fund. This ensures our elderly and sick priests are financially supported in their senior years, after a lifetime of service. Our priests baptised us, counselled us in times of sorrow, and celebrated with us in times of joy. Since we have received so much from their generosity, it is now our turn to assist them in their old age. The fund ensures that their housing, medical, convalescence, companionship and spiritual support needs are met. Please be generous. Most priests retire with modest means. In later years their ability to live independently can be adversely impacted by their declining health, mobility or frailty. You can also donate online at Thank you for your generosity.

Parish Bazaar

This takes place this Saturday between 12 Noon and 3pm. in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. You are invited to bring along any unwanted gifts for the tombola, bottles for the bottle stall and donations for the raffle prizes, as well as tins and cakes . Please do not leave clothes or electrical goods . Items can be left in the porch of the church or brought straight to the hall from 6pm on Friday. There will also be Santa’s grotto, face painting, other activities as well as refreshments. Watch out for the posters that the children have prepared advertising the event. Please do come along.

Mary’s Meals

A very big ‘thank you 'for again allowing Mary’s Meals to have its Rags to Riches collection. The parish managed to give 780kg* of unwanted clothes; there were also cash donations of £457.36 making a total contribution of £870.76. We are grateful for your support—this is a very good result! The amount raised will feed 62 children who will not only get fed one good, nutritious meal every school day for a whole year, but they will get an education too.

Junior Schools Admissions Meetings

The Junior Schools Admissions meeting is on Monday 19 November at 7.00pm in the school in the Meads. This is for parents who wish their child to be considered for a place in September 2019, including those who are currently in year 2 of the Infants School.

School Signing

Fr Colin will be available to sign school forms on the following dates in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre:

Tuesday 20 November 3pm-4pm

Thursday 29 November 3pm-4pm

Thursday 06 December 3pm-4pm.

Parish Council

The Parish Council meet on Thursday at 8.00pm in the Presbytery. Please note the change of time is because Fr Colin is attending Mass for Deceased Priests at 5.30pm in Westminster Cathedral to which everybody is invited.

Blessing of Graves

The Blessing of Graves at Milespit Cemetery Mill Hill takes place this afternoon (Sunday) at 2pm.

Baptism Preparation

Next Sunday three will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at in the Dominic Room. Application forms are available in the sacristy.

More Cleaners Required

We have a happy band of people who clean the church on a Saturday morning between 8.30am and 9.30am, but we need more to join the group. If you can help, please speak to Fr Colin or just come along on a Saturday morning. Many thanks.

Peter Fitzgerald RIP

The Funeral Mass of PETER FITZGERALD will be on Thursday at 11.00am. This is in addition to the 9.00am Mass that morning.

Also pray for the repose of the soul of JOHN MULVEY of Appletree Court.

Confirmations 2019

Those who are in year 10 or above are invited to apply for Confirmation. Application Forms are available in the porch and should be returned by 16th December at the latest. Sessions start in January. Bishop John Sherrington will be coming on Friday 7th June to administer the Sacrament.

Catholic History Walks

A Royal Walk Sunday 18th November, 3pm. A walk around Westminster to see Catholics and Royalty, from Henry VIII and his break with Rome to the present day. We walk towards Buckingham Palace. Meet on the steps of Westminster Cathedral. Nearest Tube: Victoria. Cost: £5.00, concessions available. Please wear suitable footwear and plan for the weather. Walks may take up to 2 hours.

See the Poster on our noticeboard

E mail:

First Communion Programme The First Communion children will

take part in a celebration Mass at 10.30 this morning.

Bereavement Mass

The Mass takes place on Friday 23 November at 7.30pm. There will be refreshments in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre afterwards.

90th Anniversary of Parish

We celebrate a special Mass for the 90th anniversary of the parish on Sunday 25 November at 12 Noon, the Feast of Christ the King. This will be followed by a reception in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre for which we invite you to bring along a dish of food. We will provide the drink. During the reception we hope to have a display of photographs form the past and a special booklet will be available.

World Day of the Poor – Sunday 18th November

Pope Francis has asked the entire Catholic community to mark World Day of the Poor on Sunday 18th November. The theme for this year is ‘this poor man cried, and the Lord heard him’. This year Caritas Westminster is asking that you not only remember those in poverty in your prayers and but reach out in practical ways. More information, as well as a specially designed prayer card can be found in your parish.

‘Slaves in our City’ Thursday 22nd November Caritas Westminster is hosting an evening raising awareness of human trafficking and modern slavery in our communities. Bishop Nicholas Hudson will be joining us to introduce the evening which will focus on the issue of human trafficking and modern slavery, the response of the church, and practical actions you can take as a parish community. Speakers include the Metropolitan Police, the Santa Marta Group, the Medaille Trust, and Caritas Bakhita House. The event will take place on Thursday 22nd November, from 6.30pm-8.30pm, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception (Farm Street), London, W1K 3AH. Refreshments will be available from 6.00pm. Please RSVP to


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