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RCDOW Burnt Oak


4th Sunday of Lent (Year C)

On this mid-Sunday in Lent, the Gospel is the familiar parable of the Prodigal Son. It emphasises the power and completeness of God’s forgiveness for us. On our part, we must make that move to repent of our sins and then we will find the Lord welcomes us back with open arms. At the same time, we must not feel resentment for those who have received forgiveness, even if they have hurt us in some way. The theme of repentance and forgiveness dominates the liturgy throughout the season of Lent. We look forward to Easter when we celebrate Jesus’ conquering of sin and death when he invites us to share in the celebration of his resurrection,

A Day with the Lord

On Friday, we are having a Day of Exposition, starting after the 9.00am Mass and concluding with Benediction at 6.30pm. This is an opportunity for us to spend time with Jesus as we contemplate what he has done for us, how he loves us and how he is really present with us. Please sign up for a half-hour watching slot on the sheet at the back of the church.

Holy Week Arrangements

Please take a card giving the arrangements for the Holy Week and Easter Services, Please note the Reconciliation Service with several priests available for confession will be on the Monday of Holy Week, 15th April at 7.30pm.

Children are invited to take part in the Children’s Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, either acting or reading. There will be a rehearsal in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre on Maundy Thursday afternoon. 18th April and again on Good Friday itself at, ready for the start at 11.30am.

Olive Wood Carves from the Holy Land

This weekend, the Good Shepherd Company will be selling wooden religious items after Mass. They have written the following to us:

We are the Good Shepherd Company from the Holy Land (Bethlehem) which is based in Nottingham and works alongside with St. Vincent De Paul society for orphans and elderly in the Holy Land.

Our goal is to support and help the Christian families in the Holy Land to stay at work as olive wood carves is one of the most important source of income for them, as 90% of the Christians rely on this sale. So by selling their produce here from the olive wood ( rosaries, crosses, cribs and religious statues) in their behalf, this will prevent the Christians from leaving the country in search of better work opportunities, as a test survey from the bishops of Jerusalem there is only forty one thousands Christians left in the area. Thank you very much again for your help and support. Remember us in your prayers please..

First Communion Programme

The First Communion children will be taking part in a Celebration Mass at 10.30am this morning.

Caritas has a service to support and develop volunteering in the diocese

The aim is to make volunteering as easy as possible for everyone.

Please visit the website where you can find a role for you.

Alternatively contact us directly by emailing or by telephone 0207 798 9063 or 077 3818 3833.

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross takes place here at the Annunciation at on Friday. This will follow Benediction at 6.30pm. which concludes the Day of Exposition.

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Cardinals Lenten Appeal 2019

Our Lenten Alms this year will go to the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal, which this year has a special focus on food poverty. If you have not done so already, please pick up a Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal donation leaflet at the back of the church for more information. Please read and pray for its aims, and if you choose to do so, please give generously. Thank you. Please place all donations and envelopes in the Lenten Alms box near Our Lady’s altar.

Parish Council

The Parish Council Meet on Thursday at 7.45pm in the presbytery.

Altar Services Rehearsals

Saturday 13th April 11am (for Holy Week)

Wednesday 17th April 4.30am (for Maundy Thursday)

Friday 19th April 12.15pm (for Good Friday)

Saturday 20th April 11am (for Easter Vigil)

Re-commissioning of Eucharistic Ministers

The commissioning and re-commissioning of Eucharistic Ministers will take place at the Mass of the Lord’s Supper at on Maundy Thursday, 18th April. If you cannot be present, please see Fr Colin for a private re-commissioning.

Prayer Group

The Prayer Group that the late Sr. Amy used to run on Wednesdays at 11am-12.30pm is now starting again at the home of Nora Fitzgerald. Please contact Fr Colin or Nora, if you would like to join the group. We will be covering the booklet ‘Rejoice and be Glad’ in this Lenten season. Nora’s telephone number is 0208 959 2004.

CAFOD Emergency Cyclone Idai Appeal

There will be a second collection next weekend to give food, clean water and healthcare, to people in desperate need in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi caused by Cylcone Idai.

Post-Synod Reflections for Young Adults

The next meeting of young adults at Archbishop's House will take place on Tuesday 2nd April, 6.30pm. These meetings are an opportunity for young adults to come together following the Synod of Bishops meeting on youth last October, pray, have input from one of our diocesan bishops, reflect and discuss the place of faith in the life of young people. Bishop John Sherrington will be leading our reflections this time. All young adults are invited to attend. Please let us know by emailing For more details, go to

Fasting and Feasting in Lent

Fast from discontent—Feast on Gratitude

Fast from complaining—Feast on appreciation

Fast from bitterness—Feast on forgiveness

Fast from self concern—Feast on compassion for others

Fast from Suspicion—Feast on truth

Fast from idle gossip—Feast on purposeful silence

Fast from unrelenting pressures—Feast on unceasing prayer


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