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RCDOW Burnt Oak



Easter Sunday is the beginning of our resurrection time. It is the time when we consider what it means to accept this greatest of all facts: that, in Jesus Christ, God came among us, accepted the death we imposed on him, yet rose in that humanity for the sake of our salvation. The resurrection changes everything. In the presence of the risen Christ, we discover that perfect love drives out fear. Just as the disciples who discovered the empty tomb and encountered the Risen Christ, were thrilled at what had happened, so we should be overjoyed at this great news and go and tell the others.

2nd Sunday of Easter (28th April)

During Eastertide we are treated to some uplifting readings from the Acts of the Apostles, accounts of how the early Church grew through the teachings of the apostles. The apostles were brought to the sick and the crippled and those tormented by unclean spirits who they were able to heal in the name of Jesus Christ. Many were baptised and the Church continued to grow. On the day of the Resurrection, Jesus had given the apostles the power to forgive sins through the Holy Spirit. One absentee on this occasion was Thomas who would not believe that Jesus had risen unless he saw for himself. It was on the 8th day that Jesus appeared to Thomas. He saw and he believed.

Many Thanks

Many thanks for the Easter Offerings as well as the cards and gifts, Very many thanks to all who have worked hard to make our Holy Week services so dignified and for those who have worked behind the scenes, giving their time to cleaning and decorating the church. We thank the Monday Club for preparing the Easter garden, where we can go to reflect on the Easter story. I wish you all a very Happy Easter.


This newsletter covers 2 weeks. The next Takehomenews will be on 5th May.

Tuesday Novena and Wednesday Holy Hour

There will be no Tuesday Novena or Wednesday Holy hour during Easter week. The Novena resumes on Tuesday 30th April at and Holy Hour resumes on Wednesday 1st May at 9.30am.

St George’s Day

As 23rd April falls during Easter Week this year, the Feast of St George has been transferred to Tuesday 30th April.

May Procession

This will take place on Saturday 11th May at 10.30am, following the 10.00am Mass. We will process to Our Lady’s Grotto for the Rosary, the statue will be crowned and we will process back to the Church for Benediction. This will be followed by refreshments in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.

No Friday Abstinence

There is no need to abstain from meat on Friday 26th April as Easter week is like a week of Sundays, celebrating the Resurrection.

First Communion

The first set of First Communions takes place on Sunday 5th May at 10.30am. Please be aware that the church and car park will be extra busy on that Sunday and the two following Sundays. There will be a rehearsal for the children receiving 1st Communion on 5th May at 6pm on Friday 3rd May in the church.

Confirmation Programme

The next session for Confirmation candidates will be on Wednesday 1st May at in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. There will be a meeting for the parents of Confirmation candidates on Wednesday 8th May at 7.30pm.

Baptism Preparation

There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 12th May at in the Dominic Room.

Photos from 90th Anniversary

Did you take any photographs at the parish 90th anniversary celebrations last November? If you have some available please see Fr Colin.

St Michael's Catholic Grammar School - Pupil Premium Priority for

Year 7 Entry in September 2020

St. Michael's Catholic Grammar School is appealing to parents of Year 5 Catholic girls who may be considering applying to take the entrance tests in September 2019.

St. Michael's is expanding by an extra 32 places. Priority is going to be given to girls who are 'Pupil Premium'. This means girls who are having, or have had, free school meals because of low income or could be eligible to apply for free school meals.

If you think your daughter could be in this category and you would like to find out more about the school and how to apply, the school invites you to attend on Tuesday 14th May 2019 at 7pm in the school Hall. This is a specific evening targeted at support only for families in this category.

There is an Open Afternoon and Evening for all parents on June 27th at 3.30pm and 7pm.


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