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RCDOW Burnt Oak


4th Sunday of Easter (Year C)

Today we think of Jesus in his role as The Good Shepherd. We are the sheep who listen for the voice of Jesus to guide us, to protect us, to call us back when we have gone the wrong way. The Good Shepherd knows us just as a shepherd knows his different sheep. We are all different. We have our weaknesses, our abilities and our different interests. Jesus knows this and calls us to fulfil different roles according to these weaknesses, abilities and interest. We remind ourselves that God often calls people in their weakness to perform a particular role for him.

Priest Training Fund

Today is Good Shepherd Sunday, the day we pray for priests and for vocations to the priesthood. The annual collection for the Priest Training Fund will take place next weekend. This fund pays for the priestly formation of men for the Catholic priesthood. There are currently 45 men studying at Allen Hall seminary, 27 of whom are for our own Diocese, and last year eight men were ordained to the priesthood to serve as our future priests. This fund also supports the ongoing enrichment and formation of our ordained priests. Your generous donation helps ensure we can support these men who are called to be like Christ the Good Shepherd. Donation leaflets are available in the pews and at the back of the church. Please take one home, read the information, and bring it back next weekend with your donation. Please continue to pray for vocations and for our priests. You can donate online anytime at

Baptism Preparation

This afternoon (Sunday) there will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised at 4pm in the Dominic Room.

First Communion

Today and next Sunday there will be First Communion at the 10.30 Mass. The church will be very full on these occasions, as will the car park. The children receiving their First Holy Communion next Sunday will have a rehearsal on Friday at 6pm in the church

Confirmation Programme

The final session for Confirmation candidates will be on Wednesday at 7pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The following Wednesday, 22nd May, there will be a Reconciliation Service for Confirmation candidates in the church. Parents and sponsors are invited to come along as well.

Stress in Your Marriage?

Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it.

This programme has helped 6,000 couples who were experiencing difficulties in their marriage in the past year. There is no group therapy or group work.

For confidential information about ‘Retrouvaille’ or to register for the programme commencing with a residential weekend on …7th – 9th June 2019 Call or text 0788 7296983 or 0797 3380443 - or Email or visit

St Michael's Catholic Grammar School - Pupil Premium Priority for

Year 7 Entry in September 2020

St. Michael's Catholic Grammar School is appealing to parents of Year 5 Catholic girls who may be considering applying to take the entrance tests in September 2019.

St. Michael's is expanding by an extra 32 places. Priority is going to be given to girls who are 'Pupil Premium'. This means girls who are having, or have had, free school meals because of low income or could be eligible to apply for free school meals.

If you think your daughter could be in this category and you would like to find out more about the school and how to apply, the school invites you to attend on Tuesday 14th May 2019 at 7pm in the school Hall. This is a specific evening targeted at support only for families in this category.

There is an Open Afternoon and Evening for all parents on June 27th at 3.30pm and 7pm.

Repository Communion & Confirmation cards and gifts are now available

Also copies of the parish 90th anniversary booklet.

Christus Vivit: Echoes from The Youth Synod—Reflections for Young Adults

A further meeting of young adults at Archbishop's House will take place on Tuesday 21st May, 6.30pm. These meetings are an opportunity for young adults to come together following the Synod of Bishops meeting on youth last October, pray, have input from one of our diocesan bishops, reflect and discuss the place of faith in the life of young people. Bishop John Wilson will be leading our reflections, this time focusing on the recently published exhortation from Pope Francis addressed to young people. All young adults are invited to attend. Please let us know your intention to attend by emailing For more details, go to

Volunteer Year at SPEC, The Diocesan Youth Retreat Centre

SPEC, the diocesan youth retreat centre, offers the possibility of a volunteer year for young adults. The volunteer missionary would live on site in Pinner in the residential community, receive formation and accompaniment in their faith and serve as a retreat facilitator, working with the employed retreat leaders. In particular, any sixth formers who may like to find out more are welcome to attend a day retreat to see what goes on and meet the community. For more information please see or contact

Finance Committee

The next meeting of the Finance Committee will be at 7.30pm on Thursday 23rd May in the Dominic Room.

St James’ Catholic High School – a Leading Edge School Year 7 entry September 2020 – Open Evening Wednesday 2 October 2019

The expansion programme at St James’ Catholic High School is due for completion this coming September, allowing the school to take on two extra forms of entry in Year 7. This means that we have an extra 60 places for Catholic children currently in Year 5 at primary school.

St James' Catholic High School has recently been recognised nationally for its excellent results in 2018 based on data from the Department for Education and Ofsted, analysed by SSAT, the Schools, Students and Teachers network. St James' was found to be among the best performing secondary schools in the country, receiving two awards for being in the top 10% of non-selective schools nationally for attainment and the top 20% for progress. The school will be presented with their award during the summer term at a ceremony attended by winners from across the region.

These excellent outcomes mean that St James’ is now designated an SSAT Leading Edge school, enabling teachers and students to benefit from links with a network of outstanding schools.

If you would like your child to benefit from an outstanding Catholic education in a school where new facilities include a brand new Sixth Form area, 4G floodlit football pitch, excellent sports, art and drama facilities and new masterclass and learning resource areas, we would be delighted to see you at our Open Evening for prospective parents on Wednesday 2 October 2019 from 5:30pm – 8:00pm.

Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal 2019

Thank you very much for your support, donations for this raised £760.22.


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