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RCDOW Burnt Oak


25th Sunday of Year C

The parable of the dishonest steward may seem somewhat confusing when the steward was praised for his astuteness. How can it be right to reduce the debts of his master’s debtors? We live in a world where money is at the centre of everything. Even the Church spends time and energy raising funds for various projects. However Jesus is teaching us through this parable that such values as integrity, compassion and trust have greater weight. We can ask ourselves what we trust, who do we trust and what can we be trusted with.


Today there will be a second collection for SURVIVE-MIVA, an organisation which provides vehicles for healthcare and pastoral care in remote communities in impoverished parts of the world. Types of vehicles include four—wheelers, motorbikes, mopeds, boats and bicycles. Countries served include India, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Ruanda, Tanzania, Malawi and New Guinea. Survive-Miva receive an average of 400 requests every year but cannot respond positively to every request. So there is always a queue of applications. Our donations will help to reduce this queue.

Let them eat cake!

You are all invited to the world’s biggest coffee morning. Enjoy a cup of tea/coffee and a slice of cake and other treats on Sunday 29th September 2019, 0900-1330, outside the Church of the Annunciation. All proceeds will go to Macmillan Cancer Support.

RCIA Sessions

Sessions for those adults who are considering baptism, reception in the church or confirmation start on Tuesday 08 October at 8.p.m., upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is a process whereby adults journey in the faith towards receiving the Sacraments and become full members of the Catholic Church. Please let those interested know about this or you may like to introduce them to Fr. Colin.

World day of Prayer for Migrants and Refugees

Next Sunday is the World Day of Migrants and Refugees. It is an opportunity to reflect on the ways in which migrants, refugees, internally displaced persons and victims of human trafficking are part of a wider concern for marginalised people.

First Communion Programme

The application process for the First Communion programme is now complete. We cannot accept any more applications. There will be an introductory Meeting for parents on Tuesday at 7.45pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. There will be 7 sessions for parents after that, the first of which will be the following Tuesday 1st October at 7.45pm. The first of 7 sessions for the candidates will be on Sunday 6th October from 9.15 to 10.15am in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. The dates of all the other sessions will be given out at the introductory Meeting.

Baptised and Sent

October 2019 has been designated by Pope Francis as an Extraordinary Month of Mission. The purpose is to help us understand better the rich diversions of evangelising mission of the Church and all to commit ourselves to participate in it. The title given to this special month is Baptised and Sent. For our Autumn Faith Sharing this year, our booklet considers six missionary witnesses who were themselves ‘baptised and sent’ and the distinctive insights they give. Please take one of the booklets from the porch and use it either in a group discussion or individually. They cost £2,00 and money can be put in the papers box.

There is an introduction to the season by Fr Philip Knights and sharing ideas and experiences on 24th September 2019 7pm—8.30pm At The Agency for Evangelisation, Vaughan House, 46 Francis Street, SW1P 1QN. Register at or leave a message at 020 7931 6078

Mass for Bereaved Parents

The Mass for Bereaved Parents will be celebrated by Bishop Paul McAleenan at St Aloysius Church, Phoenix Road, Euston on Saturday 26th October. All are welcome.

Fire Wardens

You may have noticed that we now have Fire Wardens on duty at each Mass. Their main task is to see that all aisles and exits are clear and to direct people in case of a fire. There will be a meeting of Fire Wardens on Wednesday 9th October at 7.30pm to plan a Fire Drill and talk about duties. Many Thanks.

Dina Corpus RIP

There will be an extra Mass at 7.30pm on Thursday, which marks the 40th day since the death of Dina Corpuz.

Lately Dead

Please pray for CHRISTINE WARDEN, Her funeral Mass will be here on Friday 4th October at 11am.

Baptism for Older Children

We will be starting sessions on Saturday 5th October from 11.15am until 12 for children aged 7 or over who wish to be baptised. Please come to the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. For the first session, we would like the parent to attend as well so we can get to know each other.

Mass Count

We will be counting heads at Masses this weekend and on the following 3 weekends. Many thanks to those who help in this.

Secondary School Transfer

Many Schools are having their Open Evenings during September, I have arranged 3 one-hour sessions for signing Secondary School forms in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre as follows:

Thursday 3rd October 4-5pm.

Wednesday 9th October 4-5pm.

Saturday 12th October 12-1pm

St James’ Catholic High School in Colindale

Is holding its Open Evening for Secondary School transfer on Wednesday 2 October 2019 from 5:30pm. The Headteacher will speak at 6pm and 7pm. Come along and see our fantastic new buildings and facilities!


The Church of the Annunciation in Burnt Oak, together with Couples For Christ (CFC) UK, invites our Parishioners to join the Christian Life Program (CLP) at the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. This program will be every Sunday from 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM, starting on the 13th of October 2019 until the 24th of November 2019.

The Christian Life Program (CLP) is an integrated course leading into a renewed understanding of God’s call to us as Christian. Each session consists of a Talk, Discussion, and Fellowship. The CLP focuses on three specific objectives: Individual renewal, Family renewal and Church renewal.

There is no cost to attend the Christian Life Program (CLP) - this program is being organised by Couples For Christ (CFC) - an International Catholic Lay Ecclesial Movement established in 1981 with a Vatican recognition from the Pontifical Council for the Laity as an International Private Association of the Faithful dated 11th of March 2000.

The CLP is open to all married couples, single parents, widows/widowers, divorced and single individuals (aged 21 and above). The CLP is also the entry point for those who may wish to join Couples For Christ (CFC) and its Family Ministries upon completion of the program.

To know more about the Christian Life Program (CLP), information leaflets will be available to take home at the back of the Church. We pray that our parishioners' support and participate in the renewal program of our Parish.


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