The Solemnity of Ascension of the Lord
Today we celebrate the solemnity of the Ascension when Jesus the Mighty Conqueror returns to heaven with victory in his hands. Hence, the responsorial psalms acclaimed, “He goes us with shouts of joy, and with the trumpet blast”. Today Jesus takes humanity with him into heaven.
Restored our Hope.
With the event of the Ascension, Jesus reveals our hope for the eternal glory to which we look forward. It proved that Jesus was in the right after all (John 16:10). Now, it is under his feet that God has put all things and to him all authority is given.
Among many things we can say about the Ascension, it is important that we see this event as the final sign of Christ’s victory and thus a sign of our victory too. As the Scripture foretold, the Messiah will lead God’s people back to their God.
How significant is this Great Event? What does Jesus' Ascension say concerning us and our future? Listen to and read the full version of Fr Chinedu's reflection on this wonderful solemnity via the Purifying Word or listen on Spotify.
Our parish Pentecost Novena starts on Friday 10th May and ends on Saturday 18th May. The time is 7 PM daily, except on Saturday which will start at 5 PM (an hour before our vigil
Mass at 6:30). There will be an Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Novena Prayer to the Holy Spirit, Presentation of Intentions, Litany to the Holy Spirit, Act of Consecration to the Holy Spirit, and more. Join us in person here in the church or online
‘Thy Kingdom Come’ is a global prayer movement, which invites Christians around the world to pray between Ascension and Pentecost, for more people to come to know Jesus Christ. Find out more and listen to the Cardinal's message here.