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Takehomenews 24 JULY 2022

RCDOW Burnt Oak


Today’s readings focus on prayer, but particularly on petitionary prayer. Abraham makes a plea to God to have mercy on Sodom, a sinful city. He prays that Sodom may not be destroyed even if there are only a few just people there. Abraham is persistent in his prayer. Persistent prayer enables us to ponder and explore what is really at issue. Perseverance in prayer is also illustrated in today’s Gospel passage where persistence reaps rewards. Jesus reassures his disciples that what they ask for will be given to them, what they search for will be found. This reassurance comes immediately after Jesus had taught them how to pray: The Lord’s prayer.


Next week’s newsletter will be the final one before September.


Mass this Monday will be at 7.30am only. There will be no Mass at 12 Noon.


In wonderful news form the US, Roe v Wade has been overturned, ending 50 years of a constitutional ‘right’ to abortion. This is a monumental step forward, which shows the world that a civilised alternative to abortion is possible, and will doubtless save millions of lives.

We all have a vital role to play in building a true culture of life, in which every life is respected and where no woman feels that abortion is her only choice. If change is possible in the US, it is possible here in the UK too. If you want to be part of this campaign for change, please go to to find out how you can get involved.


Further to the note in last week’s Takehomenews about the tour of the relics of St Bernadette, it has been announced that the relics will arrive at Westminster Cathedral on Saturday 3rd September at 11am and depart after the 8am Mass on Monday 5th September,


The 12 Noon Mass on Sunday 25th September will be an International Mass with a reception afterwards in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. More details to follow.


Next weekend we will welcome Fr. Paul Mooney MHM to give the five-yearly Red Box Appeal. Through the Red Box we care for our Church family around the world. Thank you to all parishioners who already give to the Pope’s official charity for overseas mission– Missio– and Britain’s own missionary order, the Mill Hill Missionaries, through the Red Box.

What is Missio? Missio is the Pope’s official charity for overseas mission. Through Missio you provide practical and spiritual care in 157 countries, as well as train local priests, nuns and lay readers to form and sustain communities of faith.

Who are the Mill Hill Missionaries? The Mill Hill Missionary Society is the only men’s mission society founded in England and Wales. Today its priests and brothers come from around the world. They travel to some of the

Most remote places to bring the love of Christ to those most in need, both

Spiritually and materially. Missio UK and the Mill Hill Missionaries work in partnership so that more people can learn of and experience God’s love for them.

Foreign Coins – If you have any foreign or old coins you wish to donate to the missionary work of the Church, please give to Fr. Paul Mooney MHM, when he makes the Red Box Appeal on 30th/31st July. These will be exchanged and the amount will increase the donations collected through the Red Box scheme and Annual membership for your Parish. Thank You!


The Randall Family have been our parish representatives since 2006. They have moved away from Burnt Oak. Bridget Randall received a Bronze Award for her work in 2017. We are now looking for a new MISSIO representative for the parish. It will involve collecting and counting the contents of the red boxes and being a parish contact with MISSIO. If you would like to offer your help, please speak to one of the priests. Thank you.


Fr Pius who has come over from India several times over the years to this parish and to Edgware parish is staying with a family member nearby for a couple of months. He will celebrate the 12 Noon Mass today (Sunday).


There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 18th September at 4pm in the church.


Monday 25 July—St James, Apostle Patron Saint of Spain, equestrians, and pilgrims. St. James, also called James, son of Zebedee, or James the Greater, one of the Twelve Apostles, distinguished as being in Jesus’ innermost circle and the only apostle whose martyrdom is recorded in the New Testament (Acts 12:2).

Tuesday 26 July— Saints Joachim and Anne Patron Saints of grandparents Today’s feast celebrates those humble parents of Mary known to long tradition as Saints Joachim and Anne, though they are unnamed in Scripture. The first mention of Anne and Joachim in the Christian tradition is an apocryphal text from the second century which was judged to be fraudulent by the earliest scripture scholars. The Muslim Quran refers to Saint Anne in Arabic as Hannah, says that she conceived in her old age, expecting a male, but was given a daughter and named her Mary. We honour Saints Anne and Joachim because they reared the perfect child and were grandparents to the Son of God.

Friday 29 July —Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus Patron Saints of siblings. Martha, Mary, and their brother Lazarus were evidently close friends of Jesus. He came to their home simply as a welcomed guest, rather than as one celebrating the conversion of a sinner like Zacchaeus or one unceremoniously received by a suspicious Pharisee. The sisters felt free to call on Jesus at their brother’s death, even though a return to Judea at that time seemed to spell almost certain death.


Items for the local foodbank can be left in one of the boxes in the porch. Many thanks to those who have donated already. It has been very much appreciated.

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