Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A
Jesus came to reconcile us with God and with one another. But at the heart of this process of reconciliation is our own reconciliation with each other. How can I reconcile with God whom I do not see if I am not open to reconciliation with the brothers and sisters I see? Therefore, Jesus told us (Jn 13:35) that, in loving and forgiving each other the world will know that we belong to Him.
Of course, we live in an imperfect world. So, there will be offences and misunderstandings as we journey together. In today’s Gospel (Matthew 18:15- 20), Jesus invites us to do our best to maintain the bond of peace among us, especially when this peace is threatened by others’ offences. But St. Paul tells us in today’s second reading (Rm 13:8-10), that the key to striving fruitfully towards this divine invitation for unity and reconciliation is our Mutual Love.
As God’s people, let us journey together in this lifetime process of reconciliation, encouraging and forgiving each other.
Lord, give us the grace to patiently strive for mutual love in our families and communities.
Happy Sunday
Fr Chinedu
Morning Prayer
From Monday this week, we shall reinstate our morning prayer. All are free to join Mon-Friday 8:40 am, and Saturday 9:40 am.
Fr Colin & Fr David Farewell Mass 14th October 2pm
We will be having a celebration in the Hall after the Mass and need your help to organise, please come to a meeting on Wednesday 13th September at 7.30pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.
On the table at the back of the church we have baskets with envelopes for donations for Fr Colin & Fr David. (Please only cash donations, they have limited space in their new dwellings). Your envelope can be placed in a box on the Sacristy marked Fr Colin & Fr David at the weekend Masses until 7th/8th October. You may also put the named envelope through the Presbytery door.
Fr Eugene Curran CM is our Parish Priest, and will continue to reside in Mill Hill Parish. The two resident priests in Burnt Oak will be Fr Chinedu Enuh CM and Fr Ufayissa Dea Madalcho CM.
Fr Paschal Scallon, the Provincial of the Vincentians, will be visiting us soon, we invite him to use this opportunity to formally inaugurate the change, and chat with us. We will let you know the date when it has been confirmed.
The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults usually starts next month (October). If you know anyone who may want to become a Catholic, invite the person to speak with any of the priests.
Who is RCIA for?
1. Unbaptised adults asking for baptism, confirmation, and communion.
2. Adults baptised in another Christian tradition or candidates asking for reception into full communion in the Church.
3. Baptised Catholics asking for Confirmation and Eucharist
Infant School
Our Children from Infant school will be attending Mass on Wednesday 13th at 9 am. Please, make them welcome.
The Exaltation of the Cross (Feast)
On Thursday 14th September, we will celebrate the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross during which we are invited to carefully consider the cost of our salvation and thus rejoice. This feast is rooted in two basic truths of the Christian faith. Firstly, it reminds us that our faith is not some invented abstract religion. Rather, it tells us that Jesus’ death was a concrete historical event in which God, in his Son, died for us upon the cross. Secondly, as we consider the outcome of this event, we exhort and rejoice. Because that which was an instrument of torture and shame has now been transformed into a means of our redemption and glory. By the merits of this Cross, our own individual and communal crosses and sufferings can now become sources of salvation.
There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 17th September at 4pm in the church.
Foodbank for the community
Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. Thank you.
Finchley Catholic High Secondary school Transfer Evening
Woodside Lane, N12 8TA Tuesday 12th September 2023
we are holding our annual Secondary Transfer Evening for prospective parents on Tuesday 12th September from 5.00 pm - 8.00 pm. For more information and to reserve your ticket please contact
The Divine Mercy Apostolate, London is hosting a Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Knock, Co Mayo
From November 9 to 14 to Pray for the Holy Souls. It will be by the Marian Fathers. Package includes: Return flights by Aer Lingus from Heathrow Airport, half board, 5 nights, accommodation in en suite twin rooms, hand-luggage (10 kgs), all transfers and Airport Development fee. The Retreat will include daily Mass and Hour of Mercy and retreats at Glendalough and Kylemore Abbey. Cost £800. All Welcome. Please call Millie on 07957594646 for more information.