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RCDOW Burnt Oak

Takehomenews Sunday 12 February 2023


Today we continue with Jesus’ teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, explaining the commandments that were received by Moses. Jesus is presented as the new Moses. He quotes the original commandment and says ‘but I say this to you’, and then goes on to explain what the commandment entails. For example, keeping the commandment not to kill also includes not calling your neighbour by derogatory names. God has given us the gift of free will. He has also given us the gift of wisdom, wisdom in the decisions we make: in what we should do and shouldn’t do, what we say and what we shouldn’t say, in what we think or shouldn’t think. We are being encouraged to tap that gift of wisdom in order to fulfil God’s will as one of his people.


Next Sunday we have our Parish Annual General Meeting at 2pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. This will be preceded by a shared lunch which will start after the 12 Noon Mass, at about 1pm. For this we invite you to bring along a dish of food to share. We will provide the drink. This is a way of having a little celebration together before we start the season of Lent the following Wednesday.

At the AGM we will be having reports on what has happened in the parish over the last year and make plans and receive suggestions for the coming year. We will also be electing a new Parish Council. If you would like to nominate somebody for the Parish Council, please speak first to them and let us have their name no later than today, Sunday 12th February.


Next weekend, Ted Fawcett will be here to talk about the charity ‘Empowering Vulnerable in Uganda’ and there will be a second collection.


The young people preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation will be enrolled into the programme during the 12 Noon Mass today. Please pray for them as they prepare for this Sacrament.


Lent starts on Wednesday week, 22nd February. Material to help us during this season is now available in the porch. Copies of the booklet ‘Walk with Me’, giving daily meditations throughout Lent cost £1.00. This time the focus is on the psalms used during Lent. Jesus came to fulfil the law, the prophets and the psalms and, like the disciples, we too can have our minds and hearts opened and renewed so that we can see how the psalms shed light on the mystery of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Also available in the porch are the Lenten calendars for children with a little activity for each day of Lent. They are free.

Masses in the church Ash Wednesday (22nd February) will be at 9am and 7.30pm. There will also be a service in the Annunciation Infants School at 11am and a Mass in the Annunciation Junior School at 2pm. Ash Wednesday is a day of Fasting and Abstinence.

During Lent we will be having the Stations of the Cross at 7pm on Fridays, alternating between St Alphage’s Church in Montrose Avenue and here at the Annunciation. St Alphage will start off on 24th February and then on 10th March and 24th March. Stations of the Cross will be here on 3rd, 17th and 31st March.


The Rite of Signing takes place on Sunday 19th February at the 12 Noon Mass. This is for the adults preparing for Baptism and the other Sacraments. Then on the following Saturday 25th February, these catechumens and candidates with their families and catechists will go to Westminster Cathedral for the Rite of Election at 2.30pm. Please pray for these adults as they prepare for the Sacraments.


Please pray for the repose of the soul of Claire Parker whose funeral Mass will be on Wednesday at 10.30am. This will be in addition to the 9am Mass that morning, but there will be no Holy Hour this Wednesday. Also, please pray for the repose of the Soul of Ester Flores whose funeral Mass will be on Friday at 9.30am, there will be no Mass that morning.


There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 26th March at 4pm in the church


Are not to be parked in the church. They are a trip hazard in an indoor setting and could restrict emergency egress.


We thank all parishioners who are paying by direct debit or envelopes and have signed a Gift Aid Declaration. We ask any parishioner who is a tax payer and donating through the loose plate to please consider donating instead by direct debit or envelope.

Any parishioner who has stopped being a tax payer should inform Susan or Loretta in the office.


If you have any used stamps please can you put them in the box in the porch. Just leave a border around them. They will go to the Royal National Institute of the Blind.


Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. Thank you.


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