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RCDOW Burnt Oak

Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

This Sunday’s responsorial psalm tells us that, “Our God is compassion, love and rich in mercy”. Indeed, the knowledge or experience of God’s unfailing love is the foundation of every authentic Christian life. It enables us to be patient with each other, to overcome resentment, and to courageously tap into the freedom and power of forgiveness.

This Sunday’s first reading tells us to forgive our neighbours so that we may find forgiveness. In freeing others through forgiveness, we truly accept and show gratitude for God’s forgiveness. In the end, our forgiveness and freedom are linked to others’ because “The life of each of us has its influence on others (Rm 14:7-9).

Like the servant in this Sunday’s Gospel, whose overwhelming debts were cancelled by the master, we too have been forgiven so much by God. It is only fair that we desire, pray, and strive to forgive others as well.

However, forgiveness is only possible by God’s grace. So, we pray for the grace of forgiveness in our individual hearts and relationships. Happy Sunday. Fr Chinedu


Cardinal Vincent Nichols has written on the Synodal pathway and, especially, on the need to be a listening Church, profoundly open to all, humble and seeking forgiveness. Copies of this letter will be available on the table at the back of the church.


The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults usually starts next month (October). If you know anyone who may want to become a Catholic, invite the person to speak with any of the priests.

Who is RCIA for?

1. Unbaptised adults asking for baptism, confirmation, and communion.

2. Adults baptised in another Christian tradition or candidates asking for reception into full communion in the Church.

3. Baptised Catholics asking for Confirmation and Eucharist

St James' School Open Evening

Wednesday 20 September 2023 at 5:30pm.

Fr Colin & Fr David Farewell Mass 14th October 2pm

We will be having a celebration in the Hall after the Mass and need your help to organise, please take a look and add your name to the volunteer list, we also have a food sheet for the event, both lists can be found on the table at the back of the church. Do you have any photos of Fr Colin and Fr David, if so please email them to by the 9th October.

On the table at the back of the church we have baskets with envelopes for donations for Fr Colin & Fr David. (Please only cash donations, they have limited space in their new dwellings). Your envelope can be placed in a box on the Sacristy marked Fr Colin & Fr David at the weekend Masses until 7th/8th October. You may also put the named envelope through the Presbytery door.

Macmillan Coffee Morning

Join us for a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Sunday 1st October 9am-1:30pm. A selection of cakes, treats and drinks will be available.

Help us do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer. You can also support by putting a donation through the Priests front door marking your envelope Macmillan cake sale.

Marriage Encounter England and Wales

30 September-1 October 2023, St Georges Parish centre, 970 Harrow Road, Sudbury HA0 2QE

Worldwide Marriage Encounter is a Catholic based movement all over the world. Our aim is to give couples who are married, or in long-standing relationships the opportunity to enrich and refresh their relationships by taking part in one of our weekend experiences. Our next local experience is:

For further information and book on an experience please go to Home - World Wide Marriage Encounter England and Wales (

Pastoral Visits

If you need or know a parishioner who needs a pastoral visit at home or at the hospital, please, feel free to speak with any of the priests here.

World Day of Migrants and Refugees will be held

Sunday 24th September 2023

“WDMR celebration is an opportunity to learn more about refugees and migrants on the move, to pray for them as a community and work together for positive change.”


There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised today Sunday 17th September at 4pm in the church.

Foodbank for the community

Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. Thank you.


Hatfield Road, St Albans, Herts, AL1 3RQ

The Open Evening for prospective pupils applying to Loreto College for September 2024 will take place on TUESDAY 26th SEPTEMBER 2023 from 4.30pm to 7.30pm.Please use the entrance in Upper Lattimore Road. Guided tours will be organised from 4.30pm to 6.30pm. Mrs Lucy Thompson, Headteacher, will address parents at 4.45pm, 5.45pm, and 6.45pm. The school achieved Grade 1 (Outstanding) in it’s most recent Ofsted Inspection. Tours during the school day will take place between 2nd – 13th October (by appointment only). Appointments can be made by calling 01727 856206.Please note that there are no parking facilities available at the school, and that parking locally is restricted. Public car parks are located nearby at the Civic Centre (Upper Marlborough Road) and at The Maltings (Victoria Street).



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