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RCDOW Burnt Oak


Today’s Solemnity we often simply call it ’Corpus Christi’ but today we not only celebrate the Eucharist in Christ’s Body but also in Christ’s Blood. Today is an opportunity for us to stop and reflect on the marvel that we receive in Holy Communion. It is Christ’s Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity that we receive. The Eucharist is the major means by which we come into close contact with Jesus. In fact, he dwells in us so that we might be a means to bring Jesus Christ to others. Remember that although we cannot now receive the Precious Blood from the chalice, Christ’s Blood is present in the host we receive. We receive the fullness of Christ and thus became like Christ ourselves. Jesus spent much time teaching his disciples about the Eucharist. In today’s Gospel, we have St Luke’s account of the feeding of the five thousand. This is a pointer to the Last Supper, the Institution of the Eucharist, when Jesus again would raise his eyes to heaven, say the blessing, break the bread and hand it to the disciples.


Today we celebrate A Day for Life. The focus this year is older persons. The COVID Pandemic highlighted the desperate plight of many older people, especially those in care homes and those struggling with long-term chronic conditions such as dementia. They carried the highest burden which included prolonged isolation, the distress for families being unable to visit, delayed medical interventions and tragic, isolated deaths followed by shortened, minimal funeral rites. Many family members and friends continue to bear the wound of deep grief which hurts and is still in need for healing.

On this day, we are invited to think again about the value and worth of older persons in families, in Society and to make practical choices to build bridges between the generations. Pope Francis has said that the alliance between generations is our lost gift and we have to get it back. He invites us to listen to the dreams of older women and men and to learn from their care. There will be a second collection after Masses today.



for the comfort of your presence

even in times of loneliness.

You are my hope and confidence.

You have been my rock and my fortress since my youth.

I thank you for having given me a family

and for having blessed me with a long life.

I thank you for moments of joy and difficulty

for the dreams that have already come true in my life and for

those that are still ahead of me.

Sustain me in weakness

and help me to live life to the full

in each moment that you give me

in the certainty that you are with me every day

even until the end of the age. AMEN.


We are being treated to a succession of saints and Feast Days this week:

MONDAY St Alban, the first martyr in this country.

TUESDAY St Aloysius Gonzaga

WEDNESDAY St John Fisher and St Thomas More

These are 2 English saints who were put to death at the time of King Henry VIII. St John Fisher was Bishop of Rochester and St Thomas More was Chancellor of England. We have statues of both these saints in the church.

THURSDAY The Nativity of St John the Baptist

When Mary went to visit her cousin, Elizabeth was already 6 months pregnant. So she gave birth to John the Baptist 6 months before the birth of Jesus, John the Baptist would be the one who would prepare the way for the appearance of Jesus preaching a baptism of repentance. This year this feast is being celebrated on 23rd June rather than 24th.

FRIDAY The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

On this day, we reflect on the cross where Jesus’ side was pierced by a lance and out came blood and water. This was a sign of his love pouring out for us and administered to us specifically in the Sacraments. As this is a Solemnity falling on a Friday, there is no need to abstain from meat on this day.

SATURDAY The Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mary was crowned with burning love and it is that loving heart that we rejoice in as we share in the joy of her love for her Son and for us all.


Next Weekend we have the annual Peter’s Pence Collection to support the charities allocated by the Vatican.

Wednesday holy hour

On Wednesdays we now have a Holy Hour following the 9am Mass until 10.30 with Benediction at 10.20.


Our Summer Fayre takes place on Saturday 9th July. Between 12 noon and 3pm. There will be Games, Tombola, Toys, Cakes, Plants, Bric-a-Brac, Face Painting and several other stalls. There will be plenty of food and drink available. Items can be brought to the Parish Centre during Office Hours or brought to the Presbytery.

We are looking for volunteers to assist at the stalls, and also helpers to set things up on Friday evening. If you are able to help in any way, please speak to one of the priests. Thank you.

Salvatorian College – Vacancies

Owing to rapid expansion, Salvatorian College has vacancies for teachers, or those looking to train to teach, in the following subjects: Religious Education, English, and Spanish. In addition, there are vacancies for the following educational support roles: Head of Vocal & Choral Music, and Science Technician. For more information, please visit: and search for Salvatorian College, or email


Items for the local foodbank can be left in one of the boxes in the porch. Many thanks to those who have donated already. It has been very much appreciated.

The Universe Catholic Weekly

The Universe Catholic Weekly is thrilled to announce that we have launched our new online newspaper with the full support of our first subscriber none other than His Eminence Cardinal Vincent Nichols.

Order your Digital 4 weeks FREE trial supply by calling Michelle on 0743 661 7650 or email:


Secret Garden Party on Thursday 7th July, 6pm-9pm, at College Garden, Westminster Abbey. Tickets start at £55 per person and include a barbecue, alcoholic and soft drinks, live entertainment and a raffle & auction. Tickets can be purchased here on our website: All ticket purchases help us to continue our vital work supporting London’s most vulnerable people.


If you can help please contact Fr Colin. Thank you.



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