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Takehomenews Sunday 20 October 2024

RCDOW Burnt Oak

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 2024

True Greatness as Taught by Jesus

This Sunday’s readings invite us to reflect on the path to true greatness. Jesus’ life demonstrates that the world’s understanding of greatness is wrong. The world says that greatness comes through power,  exploitation and domination of others  But Jesus shows us a different way/ his path to greatness.

In the first reading from Isaiah (53:10-11), we hear the prophecy of the suffering servant, who, through suffering, fulfils the will of the Father. This prophecy points to Jesus, who walked the path of humble service and self-giving love and brought life to all through his sacrificial offering of himself.

When the two sons of Zebedee asked to sit at Jesus' right and left in His glory, Jesus asked them, "Are you willing to drink the cup I will drink?" Jesus’ response shows us that the road to glory is not about seeking honour for ourselves but about embracing the way of the cross, the way of suffering for others' good.

True greatness lies in following Jesus’ example, the path of love and humility, even when it involves sacrifice and hardship. However, this can be very challenging. Hence today’s second reading invites us to hold fast to our faith. But Jesus, our High Priest, understands our struggles and intercedes for us. Lord, help us to walk the path to true greatness and share in your eternal glory. Amen.

You can access Fr Chinedu's full video reflection on Spotify 

Happy Sunday   

Fr Chinedu

Today is World Mission Sunday

Today, parishes worldwide celebrate World Mission Sunday.  By supporting Missio, the Pope’s charity for world mission, we stand united as God’s global family, in prayer, solidarity, and action.  We are called to ‘go and invite everyone to the banquet’ for the joy of Christs Resurrection is a gift meant to be shared with the entire world.  Please pray for missionaries and give what you can , bringing God’s compassion, peace and justice to those in need. To donate, use the Missio envelopes, call 020 7821 9755 or visit



From the month of November, the individual names of all the sick will no longer be mentioned in the Bidding Prayer. There will be a prayer for the sick, especially those on our parish sick list book (to be provided).



Application forms for parents who wish their child to receive their First Holy Communion next year are available at the back of the church. Children should be in Year 3 or above. Please return the form to the presbytery by 24th November. No applications will be accepted after this date.   




Application forms for those in Year 10 or above who would like to receive the          Sacrament of Confirmation next year are available at the back of the church. Please return the form to the presbytery by 15th  December.




There will be an evening of prayer and adoration on Friday 25th October 6-8 pm. There will be Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Sacrament of Reconciliation and Intercessory Prayers for various intentions. All are welcome. 

Thank you from CAFOD

Thank you for giving to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day appeal this Harvest season. Your donation in our parish collection or online and your prayers are helping young people like Daniel in the Democratic Republic of the Congo with support like training so they can carve their way to a better future. We are standing in solidarity with those facing incredible hardships, as part of one global family. Learn more at



Please remember in your prayers NORA CRONIN her funeral will be on 28th October, 11 am.  May her soul and the souls of all the departed, rest in peace.



The Diocese has asked for the above people to complete the Rota Consent  Form. They can be found on the table in the porch. Please complete and return in the brown envelope marked Susan's Office and give it to one of the priests.



There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on  Sunday 3rd November at 4 pm in the church.




Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch.  -No soup- Thank you.




Clocks and watches should be put back one—hour next Saturday night.

As we approach the festive season, we are pleased to announce the return of the

Christmas Bazaar. 

There will be a variety of activities including themed stalls selling cards, treats, gifts, tombola, raffle, food and drink etc. Help raise funds for our Church and celebrate the greatest gift of all, the birth of Jesus Christ.

Donations are welcomed including for: Prizes for a raffle, Bottles i.e. for our

Bottle Tombola stall, Gift ideas i.e. gift sets, chocolates etc and Baked items (cakes, cookies etc)*** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ***If you would like to volunteer to help before (setup from Sat 30/11 18:30), during or after the event, please contact Annie on 07523 268994

with your name and availability.

***VENDOR STALLS (Limited availability)***

Vendors interested in having a stall at the event,

Visit for more details.





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