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Takehomenews Sunday 26 February 2023

RCDOW Burnt Oak


Each year on the 1st Sunday of Lent, we have an account of the temptations of Jesus. This year we have St Matthew’s account, a more detailed version than the other Gospels. Jesus was about to set out on his public ministry and this period of 40 days was like a retreat preparing him for the work ahead. Jesus was tempted to turn stones into bread to satisfy his hunger. He was tempted to throw himself down from the parapet of the Temple to show everyone he was a wonder man. He was tempted to control all the kingdoms of the world and so deny its peoples their free will. Jesus overcame these temptations. In a way it shaped his ministry in which he would not satisfy his own needs, he would not draw attention to himself by spectacular events and he would allow people to make their own choices. As we have entered a period of 40 days preparation, we should make a resolution to put Jesus at the heart of our lives, as suggested by Cardinal Vincent in last week’s Pastoral Letter.


At last Sunday’s Parish Annual General Meeting, the following were elected to serve the Parish Council: PHILOMENA AMOO-ESHUN, JOEY FLORES, PAULA LOTFY, NANA OWUSU, ELIZA STEFFANS and DAVID YAW-AZUMAH. They will join ANNIE BLAKE, MARCELLA DALY, NANCY JOSEPH, MELVIN MATHEW, JOSIE SANTANGELO, ADELAIDA SARMIENTO and MARY ANN TORRES. We thank the following who have finished their service on the Parish Council: KENNETH BLAKE, BENEDICT METUH, ERIC MOOR, TERESA O’NEILL and LORIE SALAZAR.


Stations of the Cross takes place here at the Annunciation at 7pm on Friday.


There will be a session for confirmation candidates this Wednesday (1st March) at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre.


The children have a session this morning (Sunday) at 9am in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre and next Sunday take part in a celebration Mass at 10.30am.

There is a session for parents of the First Communion children tomorrow (Monday) at 7.45pm in the Parish Centre.


Next Friday, 3rd March, is CAFOD Lent Fast Day when we are encouraged to give up a meal, part of a meal or some luxury and give the money to the needy in the Third World. This Lent, CAFOD is supporting families with the skills and tools they have asked for to fight the climate crisis in Bangladesh. 14 year old Dristy and her mother Rupali are building seed beds and planting palm trees to protect their crops from flooding and cyclones. Our parish CAFOD representative, Laura Lemon, will be talking about this at Masses this weekend. Please take a CAFOD envelope from the back of the church and return it with your contribution next weekend. Thank you.


During Lent, there will be a box near Our Lady’s altar for contributions to the Cardinal’s Lenten Appeal. Funds raised this year will be shared between Marriage and Family Life, Youth and Evangelisation, The Education Service and Caritas Westminster. The effects of the pandemic, followed by the cost of living crisis, are still making daily life harder for all. Price rises last year meant many families faced an impossible choice: HEAT or EAT. And this crisis if far from over. The church continues to respond, with thousands of people putting their faith into action by serving those in need. Cardinal Nichols has expressed his gratitude to everyone who supports the Appeal, with whatever they can afford. And for those who can’t give financially, your time is a priceless commodity - please see the posters on how you can volunteer in the diocese and help those in need. Donation envelopes also give more information. You can use the QR code to make your donation on line. Thank you for your generosity.


The National Novena to St Joseph will take place from 11th-19th March 2023 at St Joseph’s Maidenhead. Every year, the Mill Hill Missionaries prepare for the Feast of St Joseph, their Society Patron, with a special Novena of Masses and prayers to ask for God’s blessing on their Society’s missionary outreach, and for the intentions of all those who support their work. If you are able to attend, Masses are on Saturday 11th & 18th at 10am; Sunday 12th and 19th at 11.00am; Monday –Friday (13th—17th) at 7.30pm.

If you are unable to attend and would like to join in from home, Masses from St Joseph’s church will be available to follow on Zoom via the Mill Hill website: To send in your petitions and /or to request a Novena prayer booklet. Please call 01628-613778 or email


A Collaboration between Caritas Westminster, the Agency for Evangelisation, Irish Chaplaincy, St Vincent de Paul Society and Anna Chaplaincy, details are at . It's an opportunity to engage with other parishes, share, learn and potentially join forces to reach more senior people around the diocese. Places are limited, so please register ASAP.


There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 26th March at 4pm in the church.


Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 13th May 2023 at 2:30pm.

The Cardinal is inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese, who are celebrating their 5th 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2023. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish clergy the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email).

Lenten Taizé Prayers

In Notre Dame de France (French Church, 5 Leicester Place WC2H 7BX) at 19:30 25th March 2023. A time of prayer with Taizé chants, scripture and silence in the heart of London. All are welcome!


Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. Thank you.



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