Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B
Standing Upon God’s Promises
Beloved in Christ, standing on God's promises is our foundation in times of uncertainty.
In today’s first reading from Jeremiah 31:7-9, God’s people were facing exile, yet God promised their return, comfort, and a future filled with hope. Despite the looming disaster, the Lord invited them to rejoice, trusting in his unfailing word. This invitation required faith, even in the darkest moments.
Like the people of Israel, we too sometimes can feel surrounded by fears and causes for anxieties, with pressures that make it hard to trust. Yet, God's promises remain faithful. The healing of Bartimaeus in this Sunday’s Gospel echoes this. Bartimaeus called out to Jesus, believing he was the Son of David, the fulfilment of God’s promises. His persistent faith amid all pressures from the crowd brought him healing.
Jeremiah’s prophecy, which is fulfilled in Christ, shows us that God’s promises are not just for the past but for us today. Christ, our Eternal High Priest, offered Himself once and for all, securing our hope. When trials come, we must hold onto His unfailing promises, knowing that they will be fulfilled in their appointed time.
Though we may face difficulties now, God's promises stand secure. Let us, like Bartimaeus, call out to Jesus with unwavering faith, knowing that our final victory is guaranteed. Therefore, we can rejoice now, for the Lord has already saved us. Amen.
You can access Fr Chinedu's full video reflection on Purifying Word or Spotify.
Happy Sunday Fr Chinedu
From the month of November, the individual names of all the sick will no longer be mentioned in the Bidding Prayer. There will be a prayer for the sick, especially those on our parish sick list book (to be provided).
There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised on Sunday 3rd November at 4pm in the church.
Application forms for parents who wish their child to receive their First Holy Communion next year are available at the back of the church. Children should be in Year 3 or above. Please return the form to the presbytery by 24th November. No applications will be accepted after this date.
Application forms for those in Year 10 or above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next year are available at the back of the church. Please return the form to the presbytery by 15th December.
There will be an evening of prayer and adoration on Friday 29th November 6-8 pm. There will be Holy Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, Sacrament of Reconciliation and Intercessory Prayers for various intentions. All are welcome.
Please remember in your prayers NORA CRONIN her funeral will be on 28th October, 11am. May her soul and the souls of all the departed, rest in peace.
All Saints Feast
Is on Friday 1st of November. It is a Holyday of Obligation. With the joys and confident hope the saints obtain for us, we will celebrate the All Souls Day on Saturday 2nd November as we pray for all our loved ones who have gone before us
November Holy Souls
The Memorial Book for you to enter names of those you wish to be remembered is on a table near the statues on the left side of the church. There is no need to enter names you have already entered in previous years. There will be a Bereavement Mass on Saturday 23rd November at 3pm to which everybody is invited.
The date for the blessing of the graves will be on Sunday 17th November 3pm, and that will be for Mill Hill Cemetery and Hendon.
Northwood Cemetery: Sat 2nd November at 2pm.
Carpender’s Park Cemetery: Sunday 10th November at 1.30pm.
Harrow Weald Cemetery (Clamp Hill): Sunday 10th November – meet at 2.30pm at the main entrance.
Pinner New Cemetery: Sat 16th November at 2pm
Foodbank for the Community
Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. -No soup- Thank you.

As we approach the festive season, we are pleased to announce the return of the
Christmas Bazaar. There will be a variety of activities including themed stalls selling cards, treats, gifts, tombola, raffle, food and drink etc.
Help raise funds for our Church and celebrate the greatest gift of all, the birth of Jesus Christ.
Donations welcomed including for: Prizes for a raffle, bottles i.e. for our Bottle Tombola stall, Gift ideas i.e. gift sets, chocolates etc and Baked items (cakes, cookie etc)*** VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ***If you would like to volunteer to help before (setup from Sat 30/11 18:30),
during or after the event, please contact Annie on 07523 268994
with your name and availability.
***VENDOR STALLS (Limited availability)***
Vendors interested in having a stall at the event,
please scan the QR code or visit for more details