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Takehomenews Sunday 29 September 2024

RCDOW Burnt Oak

Twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 2024


God’s ways are beyond our understanding, and we cannot set boundaries for Him. Our knowledge or experience of God is not exhaustive of who God is. God often works in unexpected ways.  We are to discern and welcome God’s presence, not to resist it because it doesn't fit our preferences, culture, or ‘religious traditions’.

God surprises us to expand our knowledge of him. Unfortunately, for some reason, we can often try to control God, as if he belongs exclusively to us. This causes religious divisiveness and hinders us from recognising and encountering God’s actions in others.

In the first reading, Moses’ people wanted to prevent two men from prophesying simply because they weren’t part of the chosen elders. Yet Moses responded with joy, wishing that all God’s people would receive the Spirit. He understood that God’s grace is enough and not limited by human expectations.

Similarly, in the Gospel, Jesus’ disciples wanted to stop someone from casting out demons in His name because he wasn’t part of their group. But Jesus corrected them, warning them against becoming obstacles to others’ faith.

These readings invite us to be open to God's work, even when it manifests in unfamiliar ways. Therefore, discernment and openness are necessary to avoid becoming barriers to God’s grace in the lives of others. O Lord, help us by your grace. Amen  

You can access Fr Chinedu's full video reflection on Purifying Word  or Spotify  

Happy Sunday   

Fr Chinedu


Listen to Fr Chinedu's new album of 4 songs HERE.


There will be a preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised next Sunday 6th October at 4 pm in the church.


World Day of Migrants and Refugees

The 110th World Day of Migrants and Refugees is held on Sunday 29th September. Pope Francis has chosen as this year’s theme, ‘God walks with his people’, and the full text of the Pope’s message and resources can be found at: 


Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Our parish is reinstating the weekly Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The first will be on Thursday 10th October 2024 7 pm -8 pm in the Church.

Four:12 Quiz Night has returned

You are invited to enjoy an evening of fun trivia. Friday 11 October 2024, doors open 7 pm. Entry is only £10/adult and £5/child (under 16). Admission includes fish and chips. Sign up today by visiting 

Diocesan Retreat for Catechists

There will be a retreat for catechists on Saturday 19th October, from 10 am to 3:30 pm in Welwyn Garden City. Location TBC. Tea and coffee are provided. Please, bring with you a packed lunch. Suggested donation: £10. To register email: . Include the name of your parish.



We plan to start a Society of St Vincent de Paul (SVP) here in our parish. So, if you have been a member of SVP in the past, and would like to be part of its formation in our parish; or if you would like to join the society for the first time and are happy to be part of it, please, speak with and give your names and contact number to the priests or stewards after the masses. Thank you.


Please remember in your prayers CATHY ALVES.  Her funeral will take place at St Thomas Moore Church, Knebworth. Herts. 12 noon on 9th October.  May her soul and the souls of all the departed, rest in peace.



The Diocese has asked for the above people to complete the Rota Consent  Form. They can be found on the table in the porch. Please complete and return in the brown envelope marked Susan's Office and give it to one of the priests.


Family Fast Day— Harvest Appeal next weekend—Use the envelope in church or give online at


 Pet Service of Blessings

We will be holding a service of blessings for your pets here in the  Canon Smyth Parish Centre on Thursday, 3rd October at 7pm

Safety Instructions

To maintain the safety and comfort of all, those attending our parish pet service will be asked to adhere to the following:

All pets must be under the direct supervision of an adult aged 18 or over at all times.


Owners will be held responsible for the behaviour and cleanliness of their pets

Dogs must be muzzled and, on a lead, whilst on the premises.


Smaller pets- for example, cats, rabbits, reptiles and birds must remain in their carriers/cages whilst on the premises.


Owners must follow the instructions of the stewards whilst on the premises.  

Foodbank for the community

Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch.  - No soup- Thank you.



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