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TAKEHOMENEWS Sunday 3 March 2024

RCDOW Burnt Oak

Third Sunday of Lent Year B

God’s house is a house of prayer.

In today’s first reading (Exodus 20:1-17), God’s people are given the Ten Commandments which reflect the two-fold character of God’s Law: the love of God and our neighbour. However, it is Jesus, who enables us, through the power of the Holy Spirit, to understand that keeping God’s law is a powerful witness that must involve our whole self. 

“Stop turning my Father’s house into a market”, said Jesus, as he chased away those who had forgotten the purpose of God’s temple. When asked to justify his actions, he replied “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it.”  Thus, he referred to his body, death, and his rising on the third day. With this, Jesus substitutes the physical temple with his body. In Christ, our bodies too have become the living temples and spiritual house of worship (1 Peter 2:5, 1 Cor 3:16). For neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father, but in truth and spirit (John 4:1-42).

Dear brothers and sisters, we are called to an interior life of prayer that ensures that God’s temple, our bodies remain a house of prayer and worship (Lk 17:46). O Lord, teach us your ways that we may be true temples of worship for you.  Happy Sunday


CAFOD’s Family Fast Day

Thank you for giving to CAFOD’s Family Fast Day Appeal this Lent. Your generous donations, given in love, will support families around the world and help them with the resources to feed their families for good. You can still give online at


The Society for the Protection of Unborn children (SPUC) will be holding their  annual appeal  today.




The next preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised  will be  today Sunday 3rd  March 2024 at 4pm in the church.





Stations of the Cross takes place here at the Annunciation  every Friday at 7pm.

Parish Lenten Day of Recollection

There will be a Day of Recollection for our parish on Saturday 9th March in the Parish Hall. It will run from 2-5 pm. This will be followed by the sacrament of reconciliation in the Church at 5:30 pm and then the Vigil Mass at 6:30 pm. All are welcome.

Join us and our partners, the Mill Hill Missionaries

for the annual Novena to St Joseph 10 – 18 March 2024

St Joseph’s Missionary Society (the Mill Hill Missionaries) is Britain’s own missionary society, founded by Cardinal Herbert Vaughan in 1866. Each year the Mill Hill community prepares for the feast day of St Joseph – their patron – with a special Novena of Masses and prayers.

Prayer is the foundation of all mission work, both in this country and abroad. The Novena is a wonderful way for the faithful to pray for each other, and build links of prayer across the world for missionaries and the people they serve. Visit the Mill Hill Missionaries website for all resources and details of the Novena.

Young  Adults LENT RETREAT  DAY 

The Assumption Sisters & Fathers on Saturday 16th March 2024 11am – 7pm. Venue. The Assumption Priory, Victoria Park Square, London E2 9PB (closest tube station: Bethnal Green). Programme: including talks • prayer, adoration and confessions • Stations of the Cross • faith sharing • mass and social time. Donations only. Register by emailing to: 



Annual Mass of Thanksgiving for the Sacrament of Matrimony

Westminster Cathedral, Saturday 25th May 2024 at 2:30pm.

The Cardinal is inviting to this Mass all couples in the Diocese, who are celebrating their 5th 10th, 25th, 30th, 40th, 50th and 60th (and every year over 60) wedding anniversary of Catholic marriage in 2024. If you are celebrating an anniversary, please give your parish office the following details: husband and wife’s names, wedding date, full postal address and email (or telephone number, if no email).  Please advise the office before  Tuesday  9th  April 2024.




Please remember in your prayers Elizabeth Wall. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in peace. Her Funeral Mass will take place here at 12.30pm on Thursday 14th March.



MY DAY BY DAY Lent  and Easter Booklet

Lent in this year of preparation for the Holy Year -2025.  As some of you will know, it is based on the theme of the 'Our Father' and can be used as a personal reflection for a few moments each day.  Also available at the back of the church  cost  £1.00 each


Foodbank for the Community

Non – perishable food is required for the foodbank, please leave your donations in one of the marked boxes in the church porch. Thank you.

Diocesan Pilgrimage to Lourdes

The Lourdes Pilgrimage takes place from 19th to 26th July. Join the pilgrimage as a pilgrim. Serve the pilgrimage by coming as a praying assisted pilgrim. Support assisted pilgrims by sponsoring the sick to join the pilgrimage and praying for them. For more information please go to or contact the Pilgrimage Office on 020 7798 9173.




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