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Takehomenews Sunday 30th October 2022

RCDOW Burnt Oak


Today we have a story of conversion, that of Zacchaeus. We might wonder at what moment Zacchaeus was converted. Was it when he saw Jesus when he was perched up a sycamore tree? Was it when Jesus spotted him and called him down from the tree? Was it when Jesus came to his house? Whatever the moment, it was the encounter with Jesus that made the difference to Zacchaeus’ life. He offered to pay back four times the amount he had cheated. It was as if he had set himself his own penance once he had been made aware of his own sinfulness. The important lesson that we can learn from this episode is that making steps towards Jesus bears fruits in all sorts of ways. He leads us to repentance. He leads us to forgiving one another. He leads us to peace. He leads us to acting in the right way. He leads us to love.


On Tuesday we celebrate the Feast of All Saints. It is a Holy Day of Obligation which means that as Catholics we are expected to attend Mass on that day. Masses will be at and 7.30pm in the Annunciation Church and there will be a Mass in the Annunciation Junior School at 2pm. The Infants School will be attending the 9am Mass in the church.

This Feast Day presents us with an opportunity to reflect on the lives of those who have completed their journey to the heavenly kingdom. There will be some who have been recognised as saints by the church, who normally have a feast day each year in the church’s calendar. There will be many others who are in the heavenly realm, some of whom we have known in our lifetime. Today we share in the joy of their achievement, praise God for his welcome and re-direct our own lives in a heavenly direction.


On Wednesday we commemorate all the Faithful Departed, All Souls Day. Masses in the church will be at 9am and 7.30pm. Catholics are good at praying for the Holy Souls and All Souls Day is at the start of the whole month when we remember the Holy Souls. The Memorial Book for you to enter names of those you wish to be remembered is on a table near the statues on the left side of the church. There is no need to enter names you have already entered in previous years. Alternatively, you can put the names on a piece of paper and put it in one of the envelopes at the back of the church. They will be placed in a box in front of the altar during November, together with the Memorial Book,


Please pray for the repose of the soul of ZITA FERNANDES whose funeral Mass takes place on Tuesday 8th November at 11.00am and for SHEILA DEMPSEY whose Reception of Body will be coming into the church at 7pm Thursday 10th November and her funeral Mass will be at 10am on Friday 11th November. There will be no 9am Mass that morning.


The Bereavement Mass, at which we remember in particular those who have died in the last year , takes place on Saturday 19th November at 3pm. Everyone is welcome.


The next preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 20th November at 4pm in the Church.


Application forms for parents who wish their child to receive First Holy Communion next year are available at the back of the church. Children should be in Year 3 or above. Please return the form to the presbytery by 4th December 2022. Sessions for parents and the children will start in January.


Application forms for those in Year 10 or above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next year are available at the back of the church. Please return the form to the presbytery by 4th December 2022. Sessions will start in January.


The second collection next week will be for the sick and retired priests of our Diocese. Most priests offer their resignation at 75, but many continue to serve in our schools, hospitals, hospices and parishes. By supporting the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund, you can help cover essential costs and give them peace of mind that in the event of an emergency, their needs will be met.

This is our chance to say thank you to our sick and retired priests who have given so much. You will find a donation envelope at the back of the church today. Please take one home, and bring it back next weekend with your donation. Please continue to pray for the wellbeing of all of our clergy: active, retired and ill. You can donate online at - the envelopes and posters feature a ‘QR Code’ that you can scan with a phone camera to give online.

Walk to church

Today is ‘Walk to Church’ Sunday. Many thanks to those who have walked to church today. Whether we normally drive to church but walked today, walk to church any way or have driven to church today, it is a day to reflect on the world’s resources and decide what we can do to help preserve the earth for future generations.


We have been sent free copies of this new Catholic newspaper which is available in the porch. Please take a copy and if you would like to subscribe to future editions, please see the advert on Page 8 of the paper.


We are in need of more volunteers to help arrange the flowers. This is normally done on a Saturday. If you are willing to join the rota, please speak to one of the priests.


This autumn’s faith-sharing resource is entitled ‘The Journey We Share’. It takes up the theme of the worldwide ‘synod’ process which we started last year. Pope Francis has invited us to listen deeply to one another and to discern and discover what God is saying to the Church about how we journey, who share the journey with us, how we listen, how we learn. The fruits of our listening process have been passed on to the Diocese, who have produced a report on all the findings. This in turn is being sent to Rome ready for next year’s Synod. It is exciting to imagine where the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing our worldwide Church.

Synod simply means ‘journeying together’ so this resource takes us deeper into the emerging themes and priorities for mission of our own Synodal Pathway. Copies of the booklet are available on the table in the porch, price £2. They can be used individually or in groups.


The blessing of graves at Hendon Cemetery will take place on Sunday 6th November from 2.30pm.



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