Today’s readings centre around the theme of evangelisation, spreading the Good News. As Christians, we do not feel worthy or capable of doing that but through the power and guidance of the Spirit we can be effective evangelisers. We are given examples in today’s readings of people called to do this work. Firstly, we have Isaiah the prophet who claimed to be in a wretched state with unclean lips but after the seraph touched his mouth with a live coal, Isaiah was able to say — Here I am, send me. Paul, a one – time persecutor of the Church, was called to evangelise and he recognised that the grace that God had given him enabled him to fulfil this mission. In the Gospel, they haul in a large amount of fish. Now their job will be to haul in a large amount of people to the Christian faith.
Next Sunday we focus on Racial Justice with the theme ‘In the Image and Likeness of God’. It celebrates the presentation of the Holy Family from different cultures. It is important that everyone is able to see themselves, their race, their culture and their history in the Church’s life. Posters have been produced to depict this and they can be seen in the church. There will be a second collection next weekend for Racial Justice.
Come, Holy Spirit, show us your beauty, reflected in all the peoples of the earth, so that we may discover anew that all are important and all are necessary,
different faces of the one humanity that God so loves. Amen.
First Communion Programme
Next Sunday (13th February) at 10.30 Mass, the First Communion children will take part in a Celebration Mass. Today (Sunday 6th) they have a session at 9am in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.
The first session for confirmation candidates is on Wednesday at 7pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. Next Sunday, 13th February, at the 12 Noon Mass the candidates will take part in an enrolment Mass. The Retreat for candidates will be on Saturday 26th February, at 10am upstairs in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre.
Please note that there will be no 9.00 Mass this Friday. This is because at 10.00 we have a funeral Mass for JAIME TOJEIRO. The original intention for the 9.00 Mass has been transferred to Wednesday 2nd March at 7.30pm (Ash Wednesday).
Following the easing of some of the COVID restrictions by the Government, the Bishops of England and Wales have issued their Guidance for Churches.
· Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID 19 should stay at home.
· There is no need for formal social distancing.
· Churches should have good ventilation.
· Hymn books, Mass sheets and other worship aids can be re-used.
· It is recommended that hands are sanitised on entry and departure from the church but readers need not sanitize their hands before reading. Ministers of Holy Communion should still sanitize their hands for the distribution of Holy Communion.
· Holy water stoups can be refilled but the water must be changed regularly.
· For Holy Communion, reception should continue of the host and not from the chalice.
· Congregational singing can continue but face masks are still recommended.
· Home visits can continue but visiting from house to house should be limited and visits should not be over long.
Thank you very much for your co-operation throughout the pandemic in keeping to the rules and regulations. A special thank you to the Stewards who have ensured our safety and cleaned and fogged the church after everyone has left.
Following the easing of some of the COVID restrictions by the Government, the Bishops of England and Wales have issued their Guidance for Churches.
They stress the need to be vaccinated including a booster jab. There is still a risk associated with gathering for sustained periods in enclosed spaces but this has to be balanced against the need to move forward safely towards a normal lifestyle and these two positions will always be held in tension.
· Anyone displaying symptoms of COVID 19 should stay at home.
· There is no need for formal social distancing.
· Churches should have good ventilation.
· Hymn books, Mass sheets and other worship aids can be re-used.
· It is recommended that hands are sanitised on entry and departure from the church but readers need not sanitize their hands before reading. Ministers of Holy Communion should still sanitize their hands for the distribution of Holy Communion.
· Holy water stoups can be refilled but the water must be changed regularly.
· For Holy Communion, reception should continue of the host and not from the chalice.
· Congregational singing can continue but face masks are still recommended.
· Home visits can continue but visiting from house to house should be limited and visits should not be over long.
Thank you very much for your co-operation throughout the pandemic in keeping to the rules and regulations. A special thank you to the Stewards who have ensured our safety and cleaned and fogged the church after everyone has left.
This takes place in Westminster Cathedral at 2pm on Saturday 12th February. The Sacrament of the Sick will not be administered this year. There is no need to book unless you are attending with a wheelchair. The Mass will be livestreamed and can be accessed at www.westminstercathedral.org.uk.
The Parish Annual General Meeting will take place on Sunday 27th February at 2pm in the Canon Smyth Parish Centre. This will be preceded by a shared lunch which will start after the 12 Noon Mass. We will invite you to bring along a dish of food to share. We will provide the drink.
At the A.G.M. we will be looking back at what has happened and not happened over the last 2 years, consider what we might introduce or re-introduce in the coming year and elect a new Parish Council.
If you would like to nominate somebody for the Parish Council, please speak first to them and then submit their name to Fr Colin by 20th February.
Bishop John Sherrington will be visiting the parish on Sunday 27th February and Celebrating the 12 Noon Mass. He will then stay on to meet people at the shared lunch and at the Parish A.G.M which follows.
Items for the local foodbank can be left in one of the boxes in the porch. Many thanks to those who have donated already. It has been very much appreciated.
Retrouvaille is a programme to support couples, it brings a positive focus, new hope and helps nourish and grow your marriage ….and you don’t need to leave home, it comes to you! For confidential information about Retrouvaille’, or to register for the next programme, a Virtual weekend commencing 3rd – 6th March 2022 Call or text +44 788 729 6983. Email: retrouvailleukinfo@gmail.org – or visit www.retrouvaille.uk
GNS Supporting our seniors
Mill Hill & Burnt Oak Good Neighbour Scheme have places on Tuesday and Thursday at their lunch clubs for seniors. Please call 020 8906 3340.