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Takehomenews Sunday 6 November 2022

RCDOW Burnt Oak


Belief in the resurrection is at the centre of our faith. And yet, it is the most difficult thing to believe in if we have not observed it close at hand. We depend on witnesses and sometimes we don’t believe what they say. Certainly Thomas had to see for himself before he could believe what other Apostles had told him. In the Old Testament, it was the Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection. Perhaps surprisingly, the Pharisees did believe in it. Our readings today focus on belief in the resurrection of the dead. It was because of their faith in the resurrection, that martyrs were able to offer up their lives. Because of the resurrection, some of the questions that are asked of Jesus don’t have any relevance. The resurrection has made things different. It is our faith in the resurrection that sustains us as we encounter the challenges of this life and as we pray for the departed in this month of the Holy Souls.


Today’s second collection is for the Sick & Retired Priests’ Fund. Please give generously and help ensure our sick and older priests are financially supported, having given us a lifetime of dedicated service. They have baptised us, welcomed us into the church, and offered comfort and prayer at times of sorrow. Now we have a chance to give back and ensure they have peace of mind during their senior years, when they may be facing failing health and declining mobility. Please give generously using the envelopes in the church. You can also donate online at - the envelopes and posters feature a ‘QR Code’ that you can scan with a phone camera to give online. Thank you in advance for your kindness.


Caritas Social Action Network, in partnership with St John of God Hospitaller Services, an international Catholic Charity with many services for the vulnerable in the UK and Ireland, have launched a service to bring together Ukrainian people displaced by the brutal war in their country with people in the Catholic Community willing to host them in their homes for six months. Once the match is confirmed the Ukrainian guest can apply for their visa. We know that coping with the cost-living-crisis will be the main concern for many people this winter, but if you have room in your home and in your heart to consider welcoming a stranger displaced by war, then we’d love to hear from you. Please visit for more information.


This afternoon (Sunday) the blessing of graves will take place at 2.30pm at Hendon Cemetery.


The funeral Mass for ZITA FERNANDES will be on Tuesday 8th November at 11.30am. The funeral Mass for SHEILA DEMPSEY will be at 10am on Friday, replacing the 9am Mass that day. Her body will be brought to the church at 7pm on Thursday. May they rest in peace.


The Bereavement Mass, at which we remember in particular those who have died in the last year , takes place on Saturday 19th November at 3pm. Everyone is welcome.


The next preparation session for parents who wish to have their baby baptised will be on Sunday 20th November at 4pm in the Church.


Application forms for parents who wish their child to receive First Holy Communion next year are available at the back of the church. Children should be in Year 3 or above. Please return the form to the presbytery by 4th December 2022. Sessions for parents and the children will start in January.


Application forms for those in Year 10 or above who would like to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation next year are available at the back of the church. Please return the form to the presbytery by 4th December 2022. Sessions will start in January.


Next weekend there will be a second collection for Mary’s Meals. This charity feeds children one good meal every day at school in over 20 countries. In the past, Mary’s Meals have raised funds by collecting unwanted clothing and bedding, but since COVID they have suspended this way of raising funds, so they are dependent on second collections and other means. A representative from Mary’s Meals will be talking to us at Masses next Sunday.

This is a very appropriate day for this collection to take place as next Sunday is the World Day for the Poor. Our donations this time will be doubled by generous donors from elsewhere.


The names of those you wish to be remembered can be put in an envelope and placed in the box at the front of the altar. Alternatively, their names can be inscribed in the Memorial Book. Several Masses during November will be said for the Holy Souls.


Next Sunday is Remembrance Sunday and we will remember all those who have lost their lives at war by having a 2-minute silence during the 10.30 Mass.


We are in need of more volunteers to help arrange the flowers. This is normally done on a Saturday. If you are willing to join the rota, please speak to one of the priests.


This autumn’s faith-sharing resource is entitled ‘The Journey We Share’. It takes up the theme of the worldwide ‘synod’ process which we started last year. Pope Francis has invited us to listen deeply to one another and to discern and discover what God is saying to the Church about how we journey, who share the journey with us, how we listen, how we learn. The fruits of our listening process have been passed on to the Diocese, who have produced a report on all the findings. This in turn is being sent to Rome ready for next year’s Synod. It is exciting to imagine where the wind of the Holy Spirit is blowing our worldwide Church.

Synod simply means ‘journeying together’ so this resource takes us deeper into the emerging themes and priorities for mission of our own Synodal Pathway. Copies of the booklet are available on the table in the porch, price £2. They can be used individually or in groups.



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